Bristol City Council Planning Applications

Found 34 planning applications

23/01648/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

153 - 155 East Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 4EJ

Application for variation of Condition Nos. 8(Second floor window) and 10(List of approved plans and drawings) following grant of planning permission 20/03969/F - Extension and part conversion of rear, ground and upper floor ancillary retail storage area (Class A1) to provide residential flats (Class C3) following demolition of existing outbuildings.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Demolition Variation Conversion Windows Residential Flat Shop
23/03220/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

60-66 East Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 4HD

Application for the variation of conditions 8 (Renewable Energy), 11 (Phasing & Completion Plan), 15 (Completion & Maintenance of Cycle Provision), 22 (Archaeological Works), 33 (List of Approved Plans) of permission 18/06709/F Phased development comprising demolition of existing retail building and redevelopment to provide 50 flats (Class C3), flexible commercial unit class (Classes A1, A2, and B1) and a retail unit (Class A1).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Variation Development Flat Shop
23/01391/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

308 - 312 Lodge Causeway Bristol BS16 3RD

Variation of Condition 9 (List of approved plans) attached to permission 17/02040/F, which approved the extension and alterations to the shop, to form a new shop and 6 no. flats with associated parking. Variation sought: to make Improvements to the internal layout and the roof design.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Roof Flat Shop
23/02049/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

100 Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6HZ

Variation of condition 39 (list of approved plans) of permission 20/03796/F (as amended by 22/01890/NMA and 22/03113/NMA), which approved partial demolition of roof space and addition of two new storeys, together with front lateral extension of the building, with an extension to the rear. (Major appl.) Variation sought: to install a new kitchen extract duct to serve the approved retail unit on the ground floor.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Demolition Variation Roof Shop
23/00391/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

2 - 16 Clifton Down Road Bristol BS8 4AF

Variation or deletion of condition 49 (plans) of 22/02693/X - Application for the variation of conditions 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 46 and 48 - following grant of planning permission of 19/00682/F for the demolition of existing building and erection of three storey (plus basement and additional plant roof top level) building containing retail (Use Class A1); cafe/restaurant (Use Class A3); office (Use Class B1a), shared-surface highway improvements on Boyce's Avenue and parts of King's Road, landscaping and associated development (Major Application) - now proposed retail,cafe office uses and gym/fitness/studio, associated external changes and change of use of restaurant.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Roof Development Landscaping Office Shop
22/05936/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

16A St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JJ

Application to vary condition 29 (Class E floorspace - as added by application no. 22/03264/NMA) and condition 30 (list of approved plans) of permission no. 17/06950/X, (Application to vary condition No. 34 (List of Approved plans) attached to planning permission 16/02964/F for 'Erection of building to provide 33 residential dwellings (C3) and 567sqm of cafe/restaurant/retail floorspace (A1 to A3), associated infrastructure, public realm works including plant, basement and access (Major Application)' - proposed variation of drawings to omit basement, and to provide 42 dwellings and flexible commercial floorspace (Class E)).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Dwelling Residential Shop
23/00333/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Silverthorne Lane Bristol BS2 0QD

Application for variation of condition No. 6(Sheds 2A and 2B) of planning permission APP/Z0116/V/20/3264641 (19/03868/LA) -Redevelopment of the site for: (Plot 1) Removal of the Shed 4 western gable wall; (Plot 2) Removal of Shed 4 (excluding wall to canal), insertion of opening into boundary wall and lowering/removal of material; (Plot 3) Removal of Shed 3, removal of Sheds 2a-c; (Plot 4) Insertion of pedestrian access opening into the northern boundary wall of shed 1b, alterations to the South wall of Shed 1b/north wall of Shed 2b, Restoration/rebuild of Shed 1a; (Plot 5) Reduction in height of the walls attached to the North Gateway, removal of western Hammer Forge Wall, reduction of Northern Hammer Forge Wall, demolition and rebuild of Eastern Hammer Forge wall. Works to the Boiler Shop, including new openings in the Western gable end, replacement of asbestos cement roof, removal of post-war cladding and glazing between piers, internal works including new floor level; (Plots 2-5) Potential stabilisation to the early 19th century Feeder Canal rubble stone wall.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Variation Roof Shop Boundary Shed
22/05654/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

Land At Access 18 Access 18 Bristol BS11 8HT

Application for variation of condition 4 (Phasing and Completion plan) of planning permission 20/02903/P, which was updated by application 22/05297/NMA to include the word PHASED: (Hybrid planning application comprising a mixed commercial/ industrial development for A1, A3, A5, C1, D1, D2, B2 and B8 use classes over seven plots (Area A-G). Full PHASED planning permission is sought for the development of a hotel within Area F, access works to the site and to the identified proposed development plots, earthworks, ecological enhancements, the diversion of the existing public right of way, landscaping works across the whole site and other infrastructure works to support the proposed development. Outline PHASED planning permission is sought for the principle of employment development at Areas A, B, C, D, E and G and the principle of retail, non-residential institutions and assembly and leisure uses at Area F. Condition 4 to be updated to include reference to defined, severable phases of the full planning permission. Condition 60 to be updated to include reference to phased development and to Reserved Matters previously granted in respect of Area A by virtue of 22/01750/M.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Development Landscaping Residential Industrial Shop
22/05716/COND | Approval/Discharge of conditions

The Fairfax Pithay Court Bristol BS1 3BN

Application to approve details in relation to condition 3 of permission 22/00529/X Application for the variation of conditions 16 (List of approved plans) following grant of planning application 20/00802/F for the change of use of part of existing car park, yoga studio and health clinic to offices/retail.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Approval/Discharge of conditions)
(Condition application decided)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Office Shop
22/02693/X | Variation/Deletion of a Condition

2 - 16 Clifton Down Road Bristol BS8 4AF

Application for the variation of conditions 27,29,30,33,34,36,37,38,39,42,43,45,46 and 48 - following grant of planning permission of 19/00682/F for the demolition of existing building and erection of three storey (plus basement and additional plant roof top level) building containing retail (Use Class A1); cafe/restaurant (Use Class A3); office (Use Class B1a), shared-surface highway improvements on Boyce's Avenue and parts of King's Road, landscaping and associated development (Major Application) - now proposed retail,cafe office uses and gym/fitness/studio, associated external changes and change of use of restaurant.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation/Deletion of a Condition)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Roof Development Landscaping Office Shop