Bristol City Council Planning Applications

Found 15 planning applications

21/03753/K | Other Consultations

Land East Of Long Ashton Park And Ride, Land North Of Metrobus, Ashton Vale, Ashton Road

Request for comment on application in adjoining authority for a planning application for vehicle and pedestrian access on land off B3128 in Long Ashton to serve: A proposed development in Bristol (which is the subject of a separate outline planning application to Bristol City Council - Reference number 21/03166/P) comprising: a phased residential-led development including affordable homes and commercial/community floorspace (Use Classes E and F.2), amenity green spaces; natural and semi natural greenspace; provision of associated infrastructure including footpaths/cycleways and new vehicular and emergency accesses; and provision of associated engineering and landscaping work including SUDs. Approval sought for access with all other matters reserved.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Other Consultations)
Approved (NO OBJECTIONS are raised)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential
23/02610/SCR | Screening Opinion

33-47 (odds) The Horsefair, 6-10 (consec) The Haymarket, St James Barton & 29 - 31 (odds) The Horsefair Bristol BS1 3JE

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed demolition and redevelopment to a mixed use development comprising residential (Class C3), commercial (Class E), and flexible commercial/ community (Class E/F1/F2) uses, together with amenity space, landscaping and public realm works, car parking, vehicular access and servicing arrangements (please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Screening Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Development Landscaping Residential
23/01593/SCR | Screening Opinion

Premier Inn The Haymarket Bristol BS1 3LR

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the proposed demolition and redevelopment to provide purpose-built co-living units and purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA), including ground floor uses (Class E), access, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Screening Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Landscaping Accommodation
23/00752/SCR | Screening Opinion

Premier Business Park Sussex Street Bristol BS2 0RA

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of the site to comprise flexible commercial use (Class E), flexible commercial and community use (Class E/F1/F2), and student accommodation use (Sui Generis), and the provision of public realm, landscaping, and other associated works (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Screening Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Landscaping Accommodation
23/00673/SCR | Screening Opinion

Land At Barrow Road Bristol BS5 0HU

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the redevelopment of brownfield land to deliver up to 350 build-to-rent dwellings, public realm, landscaping and access (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Screening Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Dwelling Landscaping
22/05959/SCO | Scoping Opinion

Unit 1 Sheene Way Bristol BS3 4SZ

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for up to 225 build-to-rent dwellings delivered over several high-density flatted blocks, associated hard/soft landscaping (including amenity areas), vehicular parking and access(Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Scoping Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Dwelling Landscaping
22/05165/SCR | Screening Opinion

Canningford House Temple Street Redcliff Bristol BS1 6EN

Request for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for the demolition of the existing office building to facilitate office-led redevelopment, including office floorspace (Class E) and flexible ground floor uses (Class E), along with amenity space, cycle access, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works (Please note that this is not a planning application and therefore we are not carrying out public consultation on the proposal at this stage).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Screening Opinion)
(EIA Not required)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Landscaping Office
22/04098/K | Other Consultations

Berwick Green Land At Cribbs Causeway Almondsbury South Gloucestershire

Request for comment on application in adjoining authority for the erection of 153 no. dwelling with appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale to be determined (Approval of Reserved Matters to be read in conjunction with outline permission PT14/0565/O).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Other Consultations)
Approved (NO OBJECTIONS are raised)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping
22/03167/K | Other Consultations

Romney House Romney Avenue Lockleaze Bristol

Request for comment on application in adjoining authority for discharge of condition 2 (Levels) attached to planning permission P20/22922/RM. Demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of 268 dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Romney Avenue and Hogarth Avenue, car parking, public open space, landscaping and other associated works with appearance, landscaping, detailed layout and scale to be determined. THIS IS A CROSS BOUNDARY APPLICATION WITH THE LARGER ELEMENT OF LAND FALLING WITHIN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY OF BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL (Ref: 20/05477/M). Reserved matters application to be read in conjunction with South Gloucestershire Council Outline permission PK18/0989/O. (PK18/0989/O - Outline application with all matters reserved (save for access and layout parameters) for demolition of existing buildings/structures and comprehensive redevelopment comprising up to 268 dwellings (Use Class C3) including affordable homes, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Romney Avenue and Hogarth Avenue, car parking, public open space, landscaping and other associated works. THIS WAS A CROSS BOUNDARY APPLICATION WITH THE LARGER ELEMENT OF LAND FALLING WITHIN THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY OF BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL (Ref: 18/00703/P)).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Other Consultations)
Approved (NO OBJECTIONS are raised)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Discharge Boundary
22/01238/K | Other Consultations

Triangle Land Station Road/A4018 Cribbs Causeway South Gloucestershire BS10 7TB

Request for comment on an application in an adjoining authority for erection of 130 no. dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be determined with associated works (Approval of Reserved Matters to be read in conjunction with outline permission PT14/0565/O).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Other (Other Consultations)
Approved (NO OBJECTIONS are raised)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping