Bristol City Council Planning Applications

Found 19 planning applications

22/03924/P | Outline Planning

Broadwalk Shopping Centre Broad Walk Bristol BS4 2QU

Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed use scheme comprising residential units (Class C3), commercial floorspace (Class E), community use (flexible Class E/Class F2), library floorspace (Class F1), cinema/ theatre floorspace (Class sui generis), vehicle parking spaces, cycle parking, and associated landscaping, public realm, access and servicing arrangements, and circulation space. All matters reserved except for access. (Major)

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Landscaping Residential
21/03166/P | Outline Planning

Land West Of Silbury Road Bristol

Application for Outline Planning Permission With Some Matters Reserved - for phased residential-led development including affordable homes and commercial/community floorspace (Use Classes E and F.2), amenity green spaces; natural and semi natural greenspace; provision of associated infrastructure including footpaths/cycleways and new vehicular and emergency accesses; and provision of associated engineering and landscaping work including SUDs. Approval sought for access with all other matter reserved.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential
22/01199/PB | Outline Planning (Regulation 3)

Former School Site New Fosseway Road Bristol BS14 9LN

Outline application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for the provision of up to 200 residential dwellings (including as extra care facility)(Use class C3) and up to 250 sqm of flexible Class E, F1 and F2 uses (as part of the extra care facility) along with car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Means of access from New Fosseway Road and Petherton Road (Major).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning (Regulation 3))
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Dwelling Landscaping Residential
21/05368/P | Outline Planning

Land Of Former 254 To 256 Two Mile Hill Road Bristol BS15 1BA

Outline application covering access, appearance, scale and layout (landscape reserved) for the demolition of remaining structures, and redevelopment to provide two separate buildings comprising 9 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated parking, bin storage, cycle parking and public realm/highway improvements.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Residential
22/05075/P | Outline Planning

489 Gloucester Road Horfield Bristol BS7 8UG

Outline application for demolition of the existing buildings (4no. Houses in Multiple Occupation - Class C4) - and 1no. flat (Class C3) and erection of new building comprising 9 residential apartments (Class C3) and 7 small Houses in Multiple Occupation (Class C4); associated cycle parking, waste storage, landscaping and other works (all matters reserved).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Refused (REFUSED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Landscaping Residential Flat
21/01699/P | Outline Planning

Department For Work And Pensions Flowers Hill Bristol BS4 5LA

Application for Outline Planning Permission With Some Matters Reserved. Demolition of existing buildings/structures (with the exception of the Grade II Listed War Room) and redevelopment to provide up to 160 residential units (Class C3); change of use of the War Room to provide 489 sq.m of floorspace within Class B8 (storage or distribution), Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) and/or Class F (Local Community and Learning); vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Flowers Hill; car parking; public open space and children's play space; landscaping; surface water attenuation; and, other associated works. Approval sought for access. All other matters reserved.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Landscaping Residential
21/04816/P | Outline Planning

LPG Storage Facility And Pipeline Severn Road Avonmouth Bristol

Application for Outline Planning Permission with approval sought for Landscape and access. All other matters reserved. - Construction of a twin pipeline to enable the transfer of liquid gas by pipeline rather than road from the Oil Basin at Avonmouth Docks (Port of Bristol) to the Gas Terminal at Hallen for subsequent storage and distribution. Construction of two marine loading arms and a control kiosk at the Oil Basin in Avonmouth Docks to enable sea-going tankers to be unloaded, and engineering apparatus and pipework at the Avonmouth Gas Terminal, including two additional loading bays for road tankers, and associated infrastructure. Application to be read in conjunction with South Glos Council planning application P21/05941/O.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Landscaping
21/05709/P | Outline Planning

1 Ashton Avenue Bristol BS1 6XH

Application for Outline Planning Permission - For a single apartment (studio) on the ground floor besides no 1 Ashton Avenue. Approval sought for Access, Landscaping, Layout, and Scale. With all other matter reserved.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Refused (REFUSED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Landscaping Flat
20/05972/P | Outline Planning

Land To North West Of Bridge Farm Bell Hill Bristol BS16 1BQ

The change of use of former agricultural land to the northwest of Bridge Farm to provide 28 new dwellings and a community meeting space, with a new vehicular access road, landscaping, recreational and growing space. Approval sought for access, scale, landscaping and layout, with appearance as a reserved matter (Major Development).

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Agricultural Landscaping
21/00531/P | Outline Planning

Hengrove Leisure Park Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR

Outline planning application for demolition and residential-led redevelopment comprising up 350no. Use Class C3 dwellings (including affordable dwellings), and up to 1,650sqm of flexible Class E uses, of which 150sqm is also Sui Generis (Hot Food Takeaway), along with cycle accesses, parking, servicing, landscaping, public realm, and associated works. Approval sought for Access, with all other matters reserved.

Local Authority
Bristol City Council
Outline planning consent (Outline Planning)
Approved (GRANTED subject to condition(s))
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Residential