Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Applications

Found 13 planning applications

21/05476/FUL | Full Application

Land South Of Coldhams Lane Cambridge Cambridgeshire

Hybrid planning application comprising: For Parcel A: outline application for development of 31,400sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace, including B8 (storage and distribution),flexible B8/E(g) (office, research, and development and light industrial) and E(g) floorspace; For Parcel B: full application for ecological enhancements through habitat creation and management with restricted public access; For Parcel C (the Lakes): full application for the opening of the Site to public access for passive recreation, alongside delivering ecological enhancements, including landscaping and public open space. (Note for consultation: This application is a resubmission of previously withdrawn application 21/02326/FUL. The proposals differ from the previously withdrawn application in some areas including some of the following: changes to red line boundary, including access along Normans Way up to Coldhams Lane; a change to the mix of uses proposed, to provide a reduction in B8 (storage and distribution) floorspace and an increase in E(g) (business) floorspace; A Land Use Parameter Plan to control the location of permitted uses, including increased separation distances between some adjacent residential properties; introduction of two possible locations for a food / drink kiosk; additional information with regard to management of the lakes (parcel C) and omission of floating islands within the eastern lake).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Withdrawn (Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Industrial Office Boundary
22/04214/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Former Hallmark Hotel Huntingdon Road Bar Hill Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 8EU

S73 to vary conditions 5 (hard and soft landscaping works), 12 (boundary treatments) and 25 (pedestrian crossing) of planning permission S/0851/16/FL for development of 40 residential dwellings across two sites comprising: 6 two storey houses and 27 apartments in 3 and 4 storey blocks 47 car parking spaces and associated landscaping including the retention of part of the bund and provision of a play area on part of the hotel car park and other surplus space (Site 1) and 7 two storey houses served by 14 car parking spaces and associated landscaping on part of hotel staff car park and underutilised part of golf course (Site 2), new pedestrian access off Crafts Way and a children's play area along with associated landscaping on land between Sites 1 and 2, allowed on appeal (ref: APP/W0530/W/16/3162178).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Flat Boundary
22/1411/TTPO | Works to TPO trees

Street Record Knapwell Byway 7 Knapwell Cambridgeshire

Cambridge Water Company to install a new water main, the felling of a number of trees must be undertaken near their Bourn Reservoir Site, north of St Neots Road near Knapwell, adjacent to Byway 14207 The new water main is being installed to provide water supplies to the Cambourne West Development south of the A428, approximately 2.7km west of the TPO area. The tree locations are shown on the plan included within the Preliminary Arboricultural Assessment - Document Reference rt-mme-159238-01_(PAA) (T1) Ash Fell (G2) Ash, Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Field maple - Fell: the extent of the works in the TPO tree group area will be 5m long by 12m wide between the Public Right of Way and the field boundary to the west and 12m along the Prow.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to TPO trees)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees Boundary
22/02956/FUL | Full Application

22-24 High Street Orwell Cambridgeshire SG8 5QN

Part two, part single storey rear extensions and associated external alterations following the demolition of existing extensions and outbuildings to the rear to facilitate the conversion of the existing dwelling to form one two bedroom dwelling (no.22), and one four bedroom dwelling (no.24). Demolition of existing low level wall to front boundary and formation of a pedestrian access way and new front door to create access to no.22 from High Street. Associated hard and soft landscaping to provide car parking and residential gardens to serve the proposed development.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Conversion Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Boundary
21/05581/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Waterbeach Barracks, Key Phase 1 East Denny End Road Waterbeach Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB25 9PA

Reserved matters application for approval of appearance, landscape, layout and scale in respect of strategic green, grey and blue infrastructure, ground remodelling and associated works at Key Phase 1 of the Waterbeach Barracks and Airfield development (Ref: S/0559/17/OL), comprising: internal primary, secondary and tertiary streets, junctions and turning heads (including temporary bus turning area), land reprofiling (including creation of a landscaped bund), utilities infrastructure (including alignment of service runs and location of substations), foul and surface water drainage infrastructure (including pumping station and connection to existing ditch course), street lighting, areas of common or strategic green infrastructure, open space and public realm (including ecological mitigation, planting, productive landscape, footways / cycleways and necessary bridge structures), lighting, boundary treatments, sustainable drainage features, street furniture, allotments (including parking and temporary access), any necessary temporary stockpiling of construction materials, areas for construction use, temporary haul routes and any necessary demolition.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Development Landscaping Boundary Remodelling
22/01556/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Strawberry Farm 3 Pampisford Road Great Abington Cambridgeshire CB21 6AQ

S73 to vary condition 1 (approved plans) of ref: 21/02609/S73 Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning permission S/3387/19/RM (Approval of matters reserved for appearance landscaping layout & scale following outline planning permission S/1433/16/OL for residential development comprising 8 dwellings including affordable housing provision landscaping and associated infrastructure) to amend the design of Plot 6, alter the boundary layout of Plots 2, 3 and 4.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Boundary
21/1586/TTCA | Works to CA trees

29 High Street Chesterton Cambridge CB4 1NQ

Felling of Honey Locust Tree very close (17cm) to boundary of neighbouring property: The tree has grown to a substantial height (approximately 14m) and width (approximately 8m) and is causing damage to a neighbouring property. The tree has been through a growth phase this year and the roots of the tree have pushed up and damaged disrupted the outdoor paving at 2 The Maltings, High Street, Chesterton. There is an additional potential threat to the structural integrity of 2 The Maltings with the edge of the trunk being only 2.42m away from the kitchen wall of the property - the honey locust tree canopy has increased this year and grown over the roof of 2 The Maltings - root growth from the tree is likely to further extend towards the property risking further damage. This application seeks permission to fully remove this tree. The removal of the tree has been granted under a separate planning permission relating to 29 High Street, Chesterton, Cambridge CB4 1NQ (21/00537/FUL) - however it may be some time before this development is built out, and due to the tree causing damage to the neighbouring property this application seeks to remove it as soon as possible.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to CA trees)
Approved (Have No Objection To)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Roof Development Trees Boundary
20/02568/COND10 | Condition request

Fomer Gestamp Factory Bourn Airfield St Neots Road Bourn Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 10 (Hard Landscaping) of planning permission 20/02568/FUL: Notwithstanding the approved plans, no development above slab level shall take place until full details of hard landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Submitted hard landscape details shall include plans, drawings and sections at an appropriate scale together with supporting text and shall include the following: a)Details of all hard landscape areas, including specifications for all proposed hard surfacing, kerbs, edges, ramps and channels, including dimensions, materials, finish, colour and typical construction. b)Details of all changes in levels and junctions between areas of different hard materials. c)Details and specification for all inspection and utilities covers set within hard surfaced areas. d)Details of all street furniture including benches, tree guards, landscape lighting, etc. e)Details of any fencing, including the proposed feature fence to the side boundary of Unit1. Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the completed scheme, as required by South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 Policies HQ/1.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Other (Condition request)
(Condition Accepted Not Discharged)
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Development Landscaping Trees Fence Boundary
21/03564/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Waterbeach Barracks Key Phase 1 Lake Spur Denny End Road Waterbeach Cambridgeshire

Approval of access, appearance, landscape, layout and scale in respect of strategic green, grey and blue infrastructure, ground remodelling and associated works at Key Phase 1 of the Waterbeach Barracks and Airfield development (Ref: S/0559/17/OL), comprising: internal primary, secondary and tertiary streets, parcel access junctions, land reprofiling, utilities infrastructure including alignment of service runs, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure, street lighting, areas of common or strategic green infrastructure, open space and public realm including ecological mitigation, soft and hard landscaping, planting, productive landscape, footways / cycleways and necessary bridge structures, lighting, boundary treatments, sustainable drainage features, street furniture, any necessary temporary stockpiling of construction materials, areas for construction use, temporary haul routes and any necessary demolition.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Development Landscaping Boundary Remodelling
21/02609/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Land Rear Of Strawberry Farm 3 Pampisford Road Great Abington Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB21 6AQ

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning permission S/3387/19/RM (Approval of matters reserved for apprearance landscaping layout & scale following outline planning permission S/1433/16/OL for residential development comprising 8 dwellings including affordable housing provision landscaping and associated infrastructure) to amend the design of plot 3 and alter the boundary layouts of plots 2, 3 and 4

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Boundary