Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Applications

Found 1 planning applications

21/05476/FUL | Full Application

Land South Of Coldhams Lane Cambridge Cambridgeshire

Hybrid planning application comprising: For Parcel A: outline application for development of 31,400sqm (GEA) of commercial floorspace, including B8 (storage and distribution),flexible B8/E(g) (office, research, and development and light industrial) and E(g) floorspace; For Parcel B: full application for ecological enhancements through habitat creation and management with restricted public access; For Parcel C (the Lakes): full application for the opening of the Site to public access for passive recreation, alongside delivering ecological enhancements, including landscaping and public open space. (Note for consultation: This application is a resubmission of previously withdrawn application 21/02326/FUL. The proposals differ from the previously withdrawn application in some areas including some of the following: changes to red line boundary, including access along Normans Way up to Coldhams Lane; a change to the mix of uses proposed, to provide a reduction in B8 (storage and distribution) floorspace and an increase in E(g) (business) floorspace; A Land Use Parameter Plan to control the location of permitted uses, including increased separation distances between some adjacent residential properties; introduction of two possible locations for a food / drink kiosk; additional information with regard to management of the lakes (parcel C) and omission of floating islands within the eastern lake).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Withdrawn (Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Industrial Office Boundary