Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Applications

Found 320 planning applications

21/01766/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Land At Belsar Farm Meadow Road Willingham CB24 5JL

Variation of conditions 3 (materials), 4 (hard and soft landscapes), 6 (tree protection), 8 (contamination), 9 (foul water drainage), 10 (surface water drainage), 13 (construction management plan), 14 (boundary treatments), 22 (biodiversity) and 26 (construction programme) of planning permission S/3145/16/FL (Erection of 25 dwellings including 40% affordable along with access car and cycle parking and associated landscaping)

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Withdrawn (Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Construction Dwelling Landscaping Trees Boundary
23/00598/S106A | S106A

The Former Cement Works And Quarry Haslingfield Road Barrington Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 7RQ

Modification of planning obligations contained in a Section 106 Agreement dated 27 October 2016 in relation to Outline Planning permission S/2365/14/OL made between South Cambridgeshire District Council (1) Cambridgeshire County Council (2) and Cemex UK Operations Limited (3) as varied by a deed of variation (20/03765/S106A) dated 21 April 2022 and made between South Cambridgeshire District Council (1) Cambridgeshire County Council (2) Cemex UK Operations Limited and (4) Redrow Homes Limited. The proposed modification seeks to replace paragraph 2.2 (c) of the Section 106 Agreement as varied with a new paragraph that seeks for the pedestrian/ cycle link between the Site and Foxton Station Scheme to be delivered prior to first Occupation of the 150th Dwelling subject to paragraph 2.3 and to add a new obligation to provide a bus voucher scheme during the period until the pedestrian/cycle link is completed.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Other (S106A)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Dwelling
19/1659/S106A | S106A

53 - 59, 60 - 76 And 78 Bosworth Road Cambridge CB1 8RG

Application for a deed of variation to S106 to remove clause 2 of paragraph (4) in its entirety and replacement with revised mortgage exclusion clause.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Other (S106A)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
22/04664/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Royal Albert Homes Hills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1PP

S73 Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 19/1702/FUL (External work including the insertion of new surface water drainage provisions, repairs to existing paved surfaces, repairs to existing stepped access, general maintenance to existing gates and retaining wall and removal of existing bin stores with new bin stores are to be constructed in new locations) to amend existing areas of paving that are to be repaired and that which is to be replaced and replace the proposed resin bound finish with spray chip and tar finish (to match existing)

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment
22/04467/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Phase 2 Land Zone 2 Granta Park Great Abington Cambridge CB21 6AL

S73 variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) of reserved matters application 21/05165/REM (Reserved Matters application for a Research and Development buildings and associated car parking comprising layout, scale and appearance of the buildings, landscaping and associated infrastructure with respect to the individual development plots (including parking), pursuant to outline application S/1110/15/OL) for the reconfiguration to the approved good and service yard and associated landscaping and frontage parking adjacent to buildings F, G and H together with the removal of 2 vehicular access points and associated alterations to the approved decked car park.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Development Landscaping
22/04965/S19LB | Section 19 - Remove/Vary Condition (LB)

32 Alms Hill Bourn Cambridgeshire CB23 2SH

S19 variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of listed building consent S/1138/19/LB (Single storey side extension replacing lean-to two storey bay windows to side conservation roof lights to serve stair and en suite side extension to existing garage alterations to garden and parking layout and 1.8 metre boundary fence).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Other (Section 19 - Remove/Vary Condition (LB))
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Roof Windows Garage Fence Boundary
22/04717/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

32 Alms Hill Bourn Cambridgeshire CB23 2SH

S73 variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission S/1137/19/FL (Single storey side extension replacing lean-to two storey bay windows to side conservation roof lights to serve stair and en suite side extension to existing garage alterations to garden and parking layout and 1.8 metre boundary fence).

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Roof Windows Garage Fence Boundary
22/04169/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Land East Of 7 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PP

Non Material Amendment to vary condition 2 (approved drawings), Condition 5 (Boundary Treatments), Condition 6 (LAP), Condition 8 (Hard and Soft Landscaping Works) and Condition 10 (Ecology) of ref: S/4201/18/VC (Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission S/2383/17/FL (The erection of 26 dwellings (including 10 affordable units) together with ancillary access arrangements and landscaping) ) to show changes to approved boundary treatment and alter the wording of the condition in regards to completion dates.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Boundary
22/04923/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Land East Of 7 Longstanton Road Over Cambridgeshire CB24 5PP

S73 application to vary condition 8 (Hard and soft Landscape works) of planning permission S/4201/18/VC (Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission S/2383/17/FL) to change the wording of the condition that landscaping is to be done based on plot handover dates and not to be done before the entire development is completed.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Withdrawn (Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Development Landscaping
23/00956/S73 | Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition

Ivy House The Green Weston Colville CB21 5NT

S73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 22/00600/S73 (S73 variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 21/00187/FUL (Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 4 No. dwellings, remodeled access and associated infrastructure) remodeling of plot 2 and parking arrangements to plots 1 and 2) remodeling of plots 3 and 4

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition)
Approved (Granted Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Dwelling