Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

21/04948/NMA1 | Non-Material Amendment

149 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7BX

Non material amendment of planning permission 21/04948/S73 (S73 to vary condition 2 approved drawings of ref: 20/04705/FUL (Removal of Building E (Use Class B8). Extensions and alterations to existing buildings A - D (Use Class E) including first floor extension above existing frontage building, reinstatement of brick chimney, hard and soft landscaping works and associated works and infrastructure) for minor alterations to the profile of building A, B, C and D; main entry relocated, roof profile altered and footprint adjusted to reduce depth of recess of Building B; Flat roof increased and relocation of wall around U10 entrance, external escape stair relocated and fenestration on south elevation relocated on Building C; reduction in floor area, windows omitted in north elevation and inclusion of access stair to Building D; and alterations to roof, inclusion of external escape stair and main entry points relocated to Building E) to replace the existing electricity sub-station but in a slightly different location to the existing, albeit still to the rear of building E.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment)
Refused (Refused Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Amendment Roof Landscaping Windows
21/0835/TTPO | Works to TPO trees

191 Cambridge Road Great Shelford CB22 5JN

TPO 0025 (2002) G1: T1 and T2 Silver Birch - Remove and replace with three advanced nursery stock Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis 'Jacquemontii') as per the submitted planting plan (drawing reference: 11088 PP 01 Rev A). Reason: The two existing Silver Birch are situated within the center of the property's driveway and prevent vehicles from freely accessing the property. They have outgrown their available space and over dominate the property's frontage, restricting the availability of natural light within habitable rooms and regularly conflict with the roof eves and guttering. Rather than reducing their crown size which Silver Birch is known to not respond well to, it is proposed to replace their amenity with new trees in a more appropriate and sustainable location i.e. on the edge of the property's frontage with Cambridge Road within a strip of soft landscape next to the driveway. New trees in this location will be appreciable from the public realm and contribute to the character of the Cambridge Road street scene, but importantly will be offset an appropriate distance from the property where they will have the space available to mature and establish large crowns. It is noted that the proposed replacement planting also sits well with the location of other Birch situated along Cambridge Road.

Local Authority
Cambridge City & South Cambridgeshire District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to TPO trees)
Refused (Refused Permission)
Application Received
Application Validated
Roof Landscaping Trees