Canterbury City Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

CA/20/02809 | Minor amendment

Land At Herne Bay Golf Course Thanet Way A2990 Herne

Non-material amendment to planning permission CA/16/00378/VAR for the Variation of conditions 04 (development phasing), 06 (design code) and 42 (substitution of drawing numbers) of planning permission CA/15/00844/OUT for hybrid application for the redevelopment of the former Herne Bay Golf Course. The full element comprising the demolition of the existing golf club house and associated maintenance buildings and the creation of 113 residential units including affordable housing; a Sports Hub, comprising the erection of a sports pavilion (762 sqm); tennis pavilion (33 sqm); green keeper's store (119 sqm); two artificially surfaced football pitches (one shared with hockey); dual use cricket pitch including two mini football pitches; one artificially surfaced hockey pitch; six artificially surfaced tennis courts; a new pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access off the Thanet Way and associated internal roads; sustainable drainage system including flood plain re-modelling; together with associated earthworks, infrastructure, landscaping and artificial lighting. The outline element comprising up to 459 residential units including affordable housing; 60 bed care home, Use Class C2; doctors surgery, Use Class D1 (up to 900 sqm); public house, Use Class A4 (up to 800 sqm); restricted secondary vehicular access off Bullockstone Road including a pedestrian and cycle route; sustainable drainage system; together with associated earthworks, parking, open space, including equipped play and landscaping; to allow change of hours operation of sports pavilion.

Local Authority
Canterbury City Council
Other (Minor amendment)
Approved (Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Landscaping Residential House
CA//17/01866 | Full/ outline split application

Land At Hillborough Sweechbridge Road Herne Bay

Planning application for a mixed use development including up to 900 dwellings comprising: Detailed proposals for the erection of 193 new dwellings, 1 no. Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP), a new vehicular access (via priority junction) onto Sweechbridge Road (north), provision of realigned vehicular access to Sweechbridge Road (south), new westbound on slip to, and modified westbound off-slip from, A299 Thanet Way to Heart in Hand Road, upgraded alignment of May Street, associated internal roads/footpaths/cycleways, sustainable drainage system, earthworks, public open space, landscaping (inc woodland) and street lighting. Outline application for up to 707 additional dwellings with all matters reserved except access (excluding internal circulation) also including: up to 33,000 sq.m. of employment/commercial floorspace with associated parking spaces comprising employment units (within Use Class B1(a), B1 (c) B2 and B8) (27,000 sqm) and a 80 no. bed care-home (Use Class C2) (4,500 sq.m.); local shopping facilities including a convenience store (Use Class A1) (up to 500 sq.m.) and 3 no. retail units (Use Class A1/ A2 / A3 or A5) (up to 300 sq.m.); a new community centre (including changing rooms and car parking) (Use Class D1) (up to 550 sq.m.) with associated car parking; land for a two-form entry Primary School with associated parking, drop-off/pick-up provision and open space; new public open space including 1 no. Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP), allotments and 2 no. playing pitches; landscaping; ecological mitigation; sustainable drainage system; earthworks, including new landscaped bund alongside Thanet Way (A299); improvement works to the existing May Street road network including enabling work within the public highway over May Street Bridge to provide a southbound vehicular access, and the necessary services and utilities infrastructure, associated internal roads, footpaths and cycleways to facilitate movement within the site including access to Altira B

Local Authority
Canterbury City Council
Outline planning consent (Full/ outline split application)
Refused (REFUSED)
Application Validated
Erection Development Dwelling Landscaping Shop House