City of London Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

21/00271/FULMAJ | Full Major Application

15-16 Minories 62 Aldgate High Street London EC3N 1AL

Application under S73A and S73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the retention of the development comprising the 'Demolition of 15 Minories and 62 Aldgate High Street and Redevelopment to provide a Class B1 office building with Class A1 retail. Extension and recladding of 16 Minories and change of use from offices (Class B1) to a hotel (Class C1), Class A3 restaurant and Class D1 (health)/ Class D2 (community) use. Erection of new residential building (Class C3) providing 87 units. Relandscaping of open space and public realm improvements' carried out under planning permission 15/01067/FULL dated 19th August 2016 without complying with conditions 3, 4, 7, 15, 16, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 62, 66, 67 and continuation of works in accordance with revised conditions. The variation or removal of conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 26, 27, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 62 and 67 of planning permission 15/01067/FULL dated 19 August 2016 to enable each of the residential, hotel and office elements to be delivered separately.

Local Authority
City of London
Full planning consent (Full Major Application)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Variation Development Residential Office Shop
23/00356/OBS | Observations from other Boroughs

150 Holborn London EC1N 2NS

Request by London Borough of Camden for observations on an application for 'Variation of Condition 7 (Hours of Operation) from 07.00hrs to 21.00hrs Monday-Saturday and 08.30hrs to18.00hrs Sunday to 11.30hrs to 23.30hrs Monday-Saturday and 11.30hrs to 22.30hrs Sunday of planning reference 2016/2094/P dated 25/06/18 for demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment for mixed use development up to nine storeys in height comprising 12,862 sqm GIA office floorspace (Use Class B1), 1,480 sqm GIA retail floorspace (Use Class A1-A3), 13 residential units (Use Class C3), improvements to the public realm and all other necessary enabling works' (LBC reference 2022/5485/P).

Local Authority
City of London
Other (Observations from other Boroughs)
Approved (No Objections to OBS)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Variation Development Residential Office Shop