Cotswold District Council Planning Applications

Found 11 planning applications

20/02641/NONMAT | Non-material amendment

Claydon Pike London Road Lechlade Gloucestershire

Non-material amendment to 18/00484/REM (Reserved Matters pursuant to outline permission 16/01818/OUT (Change of use of land to leisure use following mineral extraction and erection of Country Park and Visitor Centre, 47 holiday homes, 30 hotel bedrooms and 30 apartments, including re-siting of previously approved hotel apartments, apartments and holiday homes associated with landscape/engineering work and infrastructure associated with the existing leisure development) consisting of details of the siting and design of 38 out of 47 holiday units): alterations to Plot 6.13 comprising the omission of rooftop balustrading, changes to fenestration to all elevations, repositioning of flue, additional decking, and kayak storage

Local Authority
Cotswold District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-material amendment)
Approved (Application Permit)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Amendment Development Landscaping Windows Flat