Cotswold District Council Planning Applications

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Found 1 planning applications

21/04313/TPO | Works to trees with a TPO

12 Fraziers Folly Siddington Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 6HR

T2 - Lime on plan 16_02062_DD-LOCATION_PLAN-952288. A mature tree close to no.12 Fraziers Folly, adjacent to the previously fallen tree. There is an abundance of epicormic/ sucker growth which obscures full inspection lower stem and base. Remove in order to assess for the presence of fungal fruiting bodies or signs of decay. Crown reduction of 30%, remove dead wood, crown lift to first floor window height, reduce growth of branches toward no.12 & n.14 Fraziers Folly. 1x G1 - Silver Birch on plan Tree Preservation Order No 16_00002. Root / base of the tree shows rot visible above ground, fell due to angle of growth of the tree over the shared drive belonging to Plummers Farm. T1 - Horse Chestnut on plan C.T.P.83. Remove the upper branch of the limb growing over the shared driveway and also remove the remanence of the previously fallen limb

Local Authority
Cotswold District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to trees with a TPO)
Approved (Application Permit)
Application Received
Application Validated
Agricultural Windows Trees