Coventry City Council Planning Applications

Found 5 planning applications

DC/2021/2916 | Discharge of Condition

Garage at Land Adjacent 183 Fletchamstead Highway Coventry CV4 7AR Coventry

Submission of details to discharge condition: 10 - Gas Protection imposed on planning permission S73/2021/1426 - Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans); 3 (Construction Management Plan); 4 (Materials) and 8 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) imposed on planning permission FUL/2020/0009 for the Demolition of existing garages and development of a bungalow with parking and landscaping approved on 20/03/2020 to allow for the re-siting of the bungalow to be set back within the site, installation of photovoltaic panels on rear roof slope, electric vehicle charging point, and the erection of a shed in rear garden. The details submitted for consideration include: Construction Management Plan, Materials schedule and hard and soft landscaping details (external works) approved on 5/7/2021 .

Local Authority
Coventry City Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge of Condition)
Withdrawn (WITHDRAWN)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Construction Roof Development Landscaping Discharge Bungalow Shed
S73/2021/1426 | Section 73/73A Variation

Garages at Land Adjacent 183 Fletchamstead Highway Coventry Coventry

Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans); 3 (Construction Management Plan); 4 (Materials) and 8 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) imposed on planning permission FUL/2020/0009 for the Demolition of existing garages and development of a bungalow with parking and landscaping approved on 20/03/2020 to allow for the re-siting of the bungalow to be set back within the site, installation of photovoltaic panels on rear roof slope, electric vehicle charging point, and the erection of a shed in rear garden. The details submitted for consideration include: Construction Management Plan, Materials schedule and hard and soft landscaping details (external works).

Local Authority
Coventry City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73/73A Variation)
Approved (APPROVED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Construction Roof Development Landscaping Bungalow Shed
S73/2021/1074 | Section 73/73A Variation

Land to rear of Hastings Road COVENTRY CV2 4JE

Variation of condition: 6 to allow the Construction Method Statement as a pre-occupation requirement; imposed on planning permission FUL/2019/1128 for Erection of six dwellinghouses, one bungalow and associated car parking and landscaping works, granted 28/06/2019.

Local Authority
Coventry City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73/73A Variation)
Approved (APPROVED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Construction Landscaping Bungalow
S73/2021/0190 | Section 73/73A Variation

10 Innis Road Coventry CV5 6AX Coventry

Variation of condition 2 (to lower the eaves and finished floor level by 200mm to facilitate the increased roof pitch) imposed on application reference FUL/2020/2171, for the demolition of 2 bedroom bungalow and erection of new 4 bed dormer bungalow granted on 11/12/2020.

Local Authority
Coventry City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73/73A Variation)
Approved (APPROVED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Roof Bungalow Dormer
FUL/2021/0190 | Section 73/73A Variation

10 Innis Road Coventry CV5 6AX Coventry

Variation of condition 2 (to lower the eaves and finished floor level by 200mm to facilitate the increased roof pitch) imposed on application reference FUL/2020/2171, for the demolition of 2 bedroom bungalow and erection of new 4 bed dormer bungalow granted on 11/12/2020.

Local Authority
Coventry City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73/73A Variation)
Approved (APPROVED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Roof Bungalow Dormer