Doncaster Council Planning Applications

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Found 1 planning applications

20/02207/TPO | Tree Preservation Order

Tickhill Road Hospital Tickhill Road Balby Doncaster DN4 8QN

Consent to selectively prune minor and fibrous roots smaller than 25 mm diameter may be pruned back, making a clean cut with a suitable sharp tool (e.g. bypass secateurs or handsaw) and roots occurring in clumps or of 25 mm diameter and over following consultation with an arboriculturist to facilitate the repair/reconstruction of the extension. The trees overhanging/to the rear of the property are subject to A2 of Doncaster Borough Council Tree Preservation Order (No.27) 1986 St Catherine's Plantation, Balby.

Local Authority
Doncaster Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order)
(Exempt Works)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Trees