East Devon District Council Planning Applications

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Found 1 planning applications

23/2305/TRE | Felling/Lopping (TPO)

Rectory Oaks Plymtree Devon EX15 2JU

T1, Beech: reduce radial spread over the office by approx 3m; reducing over extended growth to allow more light into office and reduce risk of failure onto building. T2, Turkey Oak: reduce radially by up to 2m.; crown lift to 3.5m to allow grass maintenance by crown lifting; reduction to reduce over extended growth. T3, Turkey Oak: remove deadwood and crown lift by 3.5m. To allow grass maintenance by crown lifting. T4, Turkey Oak: remove deadwood; crown lift by 3.5m amd reduce radial spread over the shed; and, crown section over the drive by 2m lifting over the lawn to allow grass maintenance; radial reductions to reduce over extended growth.

Local Authority
East Devon District Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Felling/Lopping (TPO))
(Split Decision)
Application Validated
Trees Office Shed