East Herts District Council Planning Applications

Found 4 planning applications

3/22/0111/VAR | Variation of condition

41-43 St Andrew Street Hertford Hertfordshire SG14 1HZ

Conversion of St Nicholas Hall and the School Room and the first floor of the Verger's House to provide one self-contained dwelling and one first floor residential flat. Removal of lean-to extension, porch, external covered area, corrugated sheet roofing and steel support. Enlargement of 4 dormers, enlargement of window openings, new external doors, infill existing external door, 5 new rooflight openings, new first floor window. Removal of internal steps and infill internal door. Insert new internal walls and create new bedrooms and bathrooms. Creation of new loft space. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of listed building consent: 3/20/1653/LBC - a) Block up the entrance from the rear of the shop into the lobby, b) Revisions to the kitchen and bathroom layout in the shop, c) Amend the layout of the first-floor shower and en-suite in St Nicholas Hall, d) Relocate a first-floor bathroom in St Nicholas Hall, e) Revise the layout of bedroom 2 on the first floor in St Nicholas Hall, f) 20th century window replacement on south elevation, g) Provision of a protected lobby and fire resisting door to the first floor flat

Local Authority
East Herts District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Grant Plan Permission w Conds)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Variation Amendment Roof Conversion Dwelling Windows Residential Shop House
3/22/0110/VAR | Variation of condition

41-43 St Andrew Street Hertford Hertfordshire SG14 1HZ

Change of use of St Nicholas Hall and the School Room and the first floor of the Verger's House from A1 (retail) to C3 (residential) use to provide one self-contained dwelling and one first floor residential flat, with associated parking and landscaping. Removal of lean-to extension, porch, external covered area, corrugated sheet roofing and steel support. Enlargement of 4 dormers, enlargement of window openings, new external doors, infill existing external door, 5 new rooflight openings, new first floor window. Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission: 3/20/1652/FUL - To amend the layout of the first-floor shower and en-suite in St Nicholas Hall and to revise the welfare accommodation for the shop unit.

Local Authority
East Herts District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Grant Plan Permission w Conds)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Variation Amendment Roof Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential Accommodation Shop House
3/22/1532/VAR | Variation of condition

Parcel B30 Land At Bishops Stortford North Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire

Erection of up to 2,200 dwellings inclusive of affordable housing; green infrastructure, amenity and formal and informal recreation space; landscaping; development of 2 mixed use local centres on 4.1 hectares of land providing up to 21,000 sq.m. (gross) commercial floorspace (Use Class B1 a, b and c) inclusive of (if required) a maximum of 3,000 sq.m. (gross) for healthcare facilities (Use Class D1), together with retail floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 & A5) up to a maximum of 1,200 sq.m. (gross), residential development (use Class C3), and the potential for other community/cultural/leisure (Use Class D1 & D2) if required (floorspace to be agreed); the potential for an additional 0.5 hectares of land for up to 4,000 sq.m. (gross) commercial floorspace (Use Class B1 a, b and c) if required or for residential purposes (Use Class C3) if not; a primary school and associated facilities on 1.25 hectares of land; a further primary school on 2 hectares of land with the potential to extend by 1.08 hectares if required or for the expansion land to be used for residential purposes if not; 4 new junctions (A120, Hadham Road, Rye Street and Farnham Road); estate roads and public transport route; footpaths/cycleways; site profiling/earthworks; a noise bund with barrier; a sustainable drainage system; utilities services including foul water pumping stations; 2 residential garden extensions; and the demolition of 221 Rye Street and 164 & 166 Hadham Road. (All matters reserved with the exception of full details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the residential element of Phase 1 and Access for Phases 1 and 2). Variation of condition 8 (approved plans) or planning permission: 3/13/0804/OP - Parcel B30 has been redesigned to provide a mix of dwellings which is more in keeping with the sales demand on the site.

Local Authority
East Herts District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn by Applicant/Agent)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Variation Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Shop
3/21/0364/VAR | Variation of condition

Zone A, Land At Bishops Stortford South (BISH5) Off Whittington Way Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of hybrid planning application 3/18/2253/OUT: (i) A full application for 142 dwellings (class C3) including affordable homes, plus associated accesses, landscaping, open space and infrastructure works (development zone A) , and a north/south primary route; and (ii) An outline application, with all matters reserved except access, for approximately 608 (Class C3) including affordable homes, a care home (Class C2) , up to 4 hectares of employment land (classes B1, B2, B8 sui Generis (car showroom)), a local centre including up to 1000 sq m for retail (Class A1), and up to 2200 sq m for other uses (Classes A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1), a primary school (Class D1) up to 3 forms of entry and including early years facilities, a secondary school (Class D1) up to 8 forms of entry, open space including equipped areas for play, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping and all associated infrastructure and development.

Local Authority
East Herts District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Grant Plan Permission w Conds)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Development Dwelling Landscaping Shop House