East Northamptonshire Council Planning Applications

Found 6 planning applications

NE/22/00928/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

Land Rear Of 15 Chancery Lane Thrapston

Discharge of conditions pursuant to 18/02453/FUL. Demolition of car port, part of wall, erection of three dwellings with garages, parking, access and landscaping. Condition 2 - Materials Condition 3 - Mortar details Condition 4 - Archaeology Condition 5 - Levels Condition 11 - Construction Management Plan Condition 15 - Trees

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
(Query/Consultation Answered)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Construction Dwelling Landscaping Discharge Trees
NE/22/00971/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

Land Between 15 And 15A Chancery Lane Thrapston

Discharge of conditions pursuant to 19/02001/FUL. Renewal of lapsed planning consent for the erection of 2 single storey dwellings with access and car parking, plots 4 and 5. Condition 2 - external roofing, facing materials and finishes Condition 3 - exact mortar composition Condition 4 - Construction Management Plan Condition 5 - Archaeological work and WSI Condition 6 - hard and soft landscape plans Condition 11 - Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan Condition 12 - water conservation methods Condition 13 - finished floor and site levels Condition 15 - foul and surface water drainage scheme

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
(Query/Consultation Answered)
Application Validated
Erection Construction Roof Dwelling Landscaping Discharge Trees
NE/22/00347/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

OP0038 TL0389 Cotterstock Road Oundle

Discharge of conditions pursuant to NE/21/00966/REM - Reserved matters: siting, scale, appearance and landscaping of 126 dwellings pursuant to 19/01327/OUT - Outline planning application for the erection of up to 130 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage (SuDS) and vehicular access points from Cotterstock Road and St Peters Road. (All matters reserved except for site access) (condition 1). Condition 8 - Estate street phasing and completion plan condition 10 -Proposed arrangement future management and maintenance of verges Condition 11 - Full engineering, drainage, street lighting and construction details of streets Condition 13 - Boundaries and bin plan Condition 14 - Protection of retained trees

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
(Query/Consultation Answered)
Application Validated
Erection Construction Dwelling Landscaping Discharge Trees
NE/21/01838/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

Rectory Farm Buildings Main Street Lower Benefield PE8 5AF

Discharge of condition pursuant to application 18/02408/FUL: Conversion of listed farm buildings to create 3 dwellings together with demolition of modern agricultural buildings and construction of 2 new build dwellings. Condition 2 - Archaeology Condition 4 - Trees Condition 10 - Contaminated land investigation Condition 16 - Landscapes Condition 18 - Bird box Condition 19 - Sustainability

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
(Query/Consultation Answered)
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Conversion Dwelling Agricultural Discharge Trees
20/01215/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

Land Adjacent 47 The Crescent Chelston Rise Caldecott Northamptonshire

Discharge of conditions pursuant to application 18/00708/FUL - 9 new houses and one detached garage. Condition 2 - Materials Condition 3 - Slab levels Condition 7a - Trees/Landscaping Condition 8 - Construction Management

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Construction Landscaping Discharge Trees Garage
18/01412/CND | Condition(s) Discharge

Rockingham Forest Park Wansford Road Kings Cliffe Northamptonshire

Discharge of conditions pursuant to 14/02225/FUL - Change of Use of Jacks Green at Rockingham Forest Park to provide for a range of tourist accommodation (caravan lodges and camping pitches), with supporting access infrastructure, hard standing bases with drainage and service provision, visitor facilities and landscape planting dated 02.11.2015 Condition 4 - lighting strategy Condition 8 - construction method statement and ecological environmental management plan Condition 9 - surface water drainage scheme Condition 10 - ecological management plan Condition 11 - ecological clerk of works Condition 12 - report detailing sympathetic, postive, nature conservation, ecological management and monitoring of listed habitats and species Condition 14 - tree constraints layout plan Condition 15 - external finishes Condition 16 - arboricultural protection measures Condition 18 - archeological written scheme of investigation (WSI) Condition 24 - contamination report

Local Authority
East Northamptonshire Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Condition(s) Discharge)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Construction Landscaping Discharge Trees Accommodation