Enfield Council Planning Applications

Found 197 planning applications

23/03588/CND | Discharge Condition

Alma Estate EN3

Details submitted pursuant to reference 19/03624/VAR: servicing and delivery plan (57) Phase 2A and 4 in submission of planning application under Section 73 to amend conditions 2 (approved drawings), 3 (phasing plan), 7 (residential units), 8 (non-residential floorspace) and 52 (car parking provision) of outline planning permission 15/02039/OUT, as amended by 17/04670/VAR, to facilitate minor changes to residential unit numbers from 993 to 1,080, building heights, development zones, non residential floorspace, landscaping and play provision and parking provision in relation to Phases 2A and 4 of the Alma Estate, Enfield,EN3. Submission of Environmental Statement Addendum.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Development Landscaping Residential
23/03739/CND | Discharge Condition

Alma Estate EN3

Details submitted pursuant to reference 19/03624/VAR: car parking management plan (58) in respect of submission of planning application under Section 73 to amend conditions 2 (approved drawings), 3 (phasing plan), 7 (residential units), 8 (non-residential floorspace) and 52 (car parking provision) of outline planning permission 15/02039/OUT, as amended by 17/04670/VAR, to facilitate minor changes to residential unit numbers from 993 to 1,080, building heights, development zones, non residential floorspace, landscaping and play provision and parking provision in relation to Phases 2A and 4 of the Alma Estate, Enfield,EN3. Submission of Environmental Statement Addendum.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Development Landscaping Residential
22/00466/CND | Discharge Condition

Vacant Land Willoughby Lane London N17 0RY

Details pursuant to ref: 20/03821/RM: Detail of surface treatment and edges (5) for Reserved Matters (scale, layout, external appearance and landscaping) for 300 units in respect Plots E and A (Phase 1a) arranged across buildings from 3 to 12 storeys in height pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission 16/01197/RE3 dated 10 July 2017 for the development of Phase 1 of Meridian Water

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping
22/00212/CND | Discharge Condition

Meridian Water Willoughby Lane And Meridian Way London N18

Details submitted pursuant to reference 20/03821/RM: podium landscape scheme (8) in respect of details of reserved matters (scale, layout, external appearance and landscaping) for 300 units in respect Plots E and A (Phase 1a) arranged across buildings from 3 to 12 storeys in height pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission 16/01197/RE3 dated 10 July 2017 for development of Phase 1 of Meridian Water comprising up to 725 residential units, new station building, platforms and associated interchange and drop-off facilities including a pedestrian link across the railway, a maximum of 950 sqm retail (A1/A2/A3), floorspace, a maximum of 600 sqm of community (D1) floorspace, a maximum of 750 sqm of leisure (D2) floorspace, associated site infrastructure works including ground and remediation works, roads, cycle-ways and footpaths, utility works above and below ground, surface water drainage works, energy centre and associated plant, public open space and childrens play areas, and various temporary meantime uses without structures (landscaping and open space). Application includes details pursuant to condition 29 (green procurement plan), condition 63 (biodiverse roof details), condition 65 (Energy statement), condition 86 (wind assessment), condition 71 (cycle parking details) and 73 (car parking details) of the above permission.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Roof Development Landscaping Residential Shop
23/03627/CND | Discharge Condition

Alma Estate EN3

Details submitted pursuant to reference 19/03624/VAR: phase wide drainage (35) Phase 2A and 4 in respect of submission of planning application under Section 73 to amend conditions 2 (approved drawings), 3 (phasing plan), 7 (residential units), 8 (non-residential floorspace) and 52 (car parking provision) of outline planning permission 15/02039/OUT, as amended by 17/04670/VAR, to facilitate minor changes to residential unit numbers from 993 to 1,080, building heights, development zones, non residential floorspace, landscaping and play provision and parking provision in relation to Phases 2A and 4 of the Alma Estate, Enfield,EN3. Submission of Environmental Statement Addendum.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Development Landscaping Residential
17/03873/RM | Reserved Matters

Meridian Water Willoughby Lane And Meridian Way London N18

Submission of reserved matters pursuant to condition 5, part (iii) appearance, (iv) Landscaping and (ii) scale for the new station building at Meridian Water in relation to the Station Building Site only of Outline Planning Permission ref: 16/01197/RE3 for the Phase 1 Meridian Water development and discharge of planning conditions 100 (Detailed Drawings-Station Building site), 102 (Public Realm Strategy - Station Building Site) and 103 (Shopfront and Signage Strategy - Station Building Site).

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Reserved matters (Reserved Matters)
Approved (Granted With Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Discharge
23/02094/CND | Discharge Condition

Meridian Water Willoughby Lane And Meridian Way London N18

PARTIAL DISCHARGE PLOT E1.1: Details pursuant to Ref: 16/01197/RE3 for verification report (11) verification report underlaps areas (40) drainage and suds implementation (44) in respect of the development of Phase 1 of Meridian Water comprising up to 725 residential units, new station building, platforms and associated interchange and drop-off facilities including a pedestrian link across the railway, a maximum of 950 sqm retail (A1/A2/A3), floorspace, a maximum of 600 sqm of community (D1) floorspace, a maximum of 750 sqm of leisure (D2) floorspace, associated site infrastructure works including ground and remediation works, roads, cycle-ways and footpaths, utility works above and below ground, surface water drainage works, energy centre and associated plant, public open space and childrens play areas, and various temporary meantime uses without structures (landscaping and open space). OUTLINE APPLICATION - ACCESS ONLY. An Environmental Statement, including a non-technical summary, also accompanies the planning application in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended by the 2015 Regulations).

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Discharge Shop
21/01789/CND | Discharge Condition

Meridian Water Willoughby Lane And Meridian Way London N18

Details submitted pursuant to reference 16/01197/RE3: eradication strategy of invasive species (62) in respect of development of Phase 1 of Meridian Water comprising up to 725 residential units, new station building, platforms and associated interchange and drop-off facilities including a pedestrian link across the railway, a maximum of 950 sqm retail (A1/A2/A3), floorspace, a maximum of 600 sqm of community (D1) floorspace, a maximum of 750 sqm of leisure (D2) floorspace, associated site infrastructure works including ground and remediation works, roads, cycle-ways and footpaths, utility works above and below ground, surface water drainage works, energy centre and associated plant, public open space and childrens play areas, and various temporary meantime uses without structures (landscaping and open space). OUTLINE APPLICATION - ACCESS ONLY. An Environmental Statement, including a non-technical summary, also accompanies the planning application in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended by the 2015 Regulations).

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Shop
18/04258/CND | Discharge Condition

Meridian Water Willoughby Lane And Meridian Way London N18

Details pursuant to ref: 16/01197/RE3 for Conditions 4 (Phasing Plan), 10 (Remediation) (PARTIAL DISCHARGE), 11 (Remediation Verification Report) (PARTIAL DISCHARGE), 14 (Public Realm Strategy), 15 (Construction Environmental Management Plan Site Prep), 17 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 18 (Construction Environmental Management Plan per Phase), 19 (Construction Logistics Plan), 29 (Green Procurement Plan), 30 (Implementation Plan and Verification Methods) (PARTIAL DISCHARGE), 35 (Surface Water and Drainage Management Plan), 42 (Drainage Strategy), 43 (Sustainable Drainage Details), 46 (Water Supply Infrastructure Impact Study), 47 (Archaeology), 59 (Strategy for Clearance of Slow Worms), 60 (Bat and Badger Checks), 61 (Hedge and Shrub Clearance), 62 (Eradication Strategy for Invasive Species), 71 (Cycle Parking), 74 (Highway and Footway Details), 82 (Construction Waste Management Plan), 83 (Waste Management Plan) and 86 (Wind Assessment) for the Main Site and discharge of planning Conditions 125 (Construction Management Plan), 126 (Construction Logistics Plan), 128 (Green Procurement Plan), 129 (Drainage Details), 130 (Sustainable Drainage Details), 134 (Landscaping Details), 136 (Strategy for Clearance of Slow Worms), 137 (Bat/ Badger Checks), 138 (Hedge and Shrub Clearance), 139 (Eradication Strategy for Invasive Species), 140 (Cycle Parking), 141 (Highway and Footway Details), 142 (Station Access Road Management Plan), 143 (Construction Waste Management Plan) and 144 (CCTV Provision) for the Station Public Realm Site only in relation to the Outline Planning Permission ref: 16/01197/RE3 for the Phase 1 Meridian Water development.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Development Landscaping Discharge
23/03259/CND | Discharge Condition

59-61 Church Street Enfield EN2 6AN

Details pursuant to ref: 22/02865/FUL for external materials (3) additional drawings (4) in respect of proposed residential development consisting of first rear extensions and mansard roof extension to create 6 self contained residential units at no.s 59 & 61 Church Street, Enfield EN2 6AN.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge Condition)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Roof Development Residential