Enfield Council Planning Applications

Found 7 planning applications

23/01597/VAR | Variation of condition

Public House 80 - 84 Chase Side London N14 5PH

Variation of condition 01 granted under planning application TP/09/0510 to alter the building envelope, relocate plant, amend the residential unit size mix, amend drainage, relocate car and bicycle parking and incorporate energy efficiency measures.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Residential
20/00037/VAR | Variation of condition

New Avenue Estate, Including Shepcot House, Beardow Grove, Coverack Close, Oakwood Lodge, Garages To The Rear Of The Lousada Lodge, Hood Avenue Open Space And Cowper Gardens Open Space, London, N14.

Variation of condition granted under planning application 16/01578/FUL (as amended by 18/02662/NMA and 19/03917/NMA for drawings (3) levels (5), materials (8), parking and turning areas (14), privacy screens (26), drainage (28) and unit mix and numbers (53), and removal of condition 11 (accommodation schedule) and condition 44 (former mews site) in relation to the Demolition of Shepcot House, Oakwood Lodge, Beardow Grove, Coverack Close and garages rear of Lousada Lodge and phased redevelopment of site involving construction of new road to provide new residential accommodation (Class C3) within a mix of buildings up to 9 storeys, erection of a nursery and community building (Class D1), construction of an energy centre, formation of play space including play area at Cowper Gardens open space and provision of surface and undercroft car parking spaces. The minor material amendments include: increase in residential units numbers, alterations to unit mix, changes to the design of Blocks A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, C1, D1, D2, D3, D4, E1, E2 and removal of Block E3, changes to tenure of blocks, amendments to building heights, landscaping and play provision and parking and cycle parking in relation to Phases 2 and 3.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (S106 - Granted with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Construction Landscaping Residential Accommodation House
21/04227/VAR | Variation of condition

51 Church Street Enfield EN2 6AW

Variation of condition 02 of Ref:20/00795/FUL to allow the installation of an additional residential access door to front elevation, together with internal alterations to ground floor layout.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (S106 - Granted with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Residential
19/03624/VAR | Variation of condition

Alma Estate EN3

Submission of planning application under Section 73 to amend conditions 2 (approved drawings), 3 (phasing plan), 7 (residential units), 8 (non-residential floorspace) and 52 (car parking provision) of outline planning permission 15/02039/OUT, as amended by 17/04670/VAR, to facilitate minor changes to residential unit numbers from 993 to 1,080, building heights, development zones, non residential floorspace, landscaping and play provision and parking provision in relation to Phases 2A and 4 of the Alma Estate, Enfield,EN3. Submission of Environmental Statement Addendum.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (S106 - Granted with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Development Landscaping Residential
21/01731/VAR | Variation of condition

51 Church Street Enfield EN2 6AW

Variation of condition 2 of 20/00795/FUL to allow relocation of entrance to residential units, from rear to front elevation.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Residential
21/01003/VAR | Variation of condition

Land Adjacent To 133 Chase Road London N14 4JP

Variation of condition 18 (Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings) to amend the condition wording, in respect of 20/02981/FUL - Redevelopment of site and erection of 7 residential units (4 x 3-bed houses; 2 x 2-bed flats; and 1 x 1 bed flat) together with associated landscaping, car and cycle parking.

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Granted With Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Residential Flat
20/02946/VAR | Variation of condition

40 Aylands Road Enfield EN3 6PN

Variation of condition 03 of ref: 18/04797/HOU to allow the outbuilding to be used as a granny annexe ancillary to the existing residential dwellinghouse. (RETROSPECTIVE)

Local Authority
Enfield Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Granted With Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Dwelling Residential Retrospective