Gateshead Council Planning Applications

Found 4 planning applications

DC/21/01283/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Land East Of Woodside Lane And North Of A695

Non-material amendment of planning approval DC/17/01376/FUL to allow re-wording of Conditions 4 (Hedgerows), 7 (Tree Protection), 8 (Tree Protection), 11 (Drainage Construction), 13 (Drainage Management), 15 (EMS), 17 (Lighting), 21 (Surface Treatment), 23 (Boundary Treatment), 27 (Link Road), 31 (Cycle Storage), 33 (Bin Stores), 39 (CMP) and 41 (Noise Mitigation).

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Amendment Construction Trees Boundary
DC/21/01027/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Land At Derwentwater Road Gateshead

Proposed non-material amendment of application DC/19/00328/FUL to allow access track location and gates moved south-west from their original position to avoid conflict with utility services, additional landscaping at the site access to mitigate loss of trees, changes to turning head positioning to serve re-located CSO and inclusion of bollards to assist in the future operation of the asset and inclusion of a new telemetry kiosk in order to ensure the long-term functionality of the asset.

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Amendment Landscaping Trees
DC/20/01128/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Palintest Eighth Avenue Gateshead

Proposed non-material amendment of application DC/17/01122/FUL to allow reduction in size of unit, building height increased by around 1m, service yard increased in size, number of car parking spaces reduced and two EV charging points proposed, additional soft landscaping and trees proposed and change to bike store and refuse/recycling position (description amended 14.01.2021)

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Amendment Landscaping Trees
DC/20/00410/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Land North Of Gullane Close Bill Quay Gateshead

Proposed non-material amendment of application DC/17/01267/FUL to allow variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) to facilitate layout and house type amendments and variation to Conditions 20 and 21 (Tree Protection) to allow the substitution of the tree protection plan.

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Trees House