Gateshead Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

17/00167/DOC1 | Discharge of Condition

Land At Whitehill Drive Felling

Discharge of conditions 3 (External Materials), 5 (Boundary Treatment), 9 (Offsite Highway Works), 11 (Surface Treatment), 13 (Crossing point), 15 (Security bollards), 17 (Cycle parking), 18 (- Bin Stores), 20 (Travel Plan), 21 (Tree Protection Measures), 23 ( Landscaping details), 26 (Ecology Protective Fence), 28 (Ecology Lighting Design), 30(Working Method Statement), 32 (Ecology Compensation), 35 (Drainage scheme), 37 (Drainage management), 39 (Drainage construction plan), 41 (SuDS information plan), 43 (Remediation Scheme), and 45 (Verification Report) of planning approval DC/17/00167/FUL

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Approval (Discharge) of conditions (Discharge of Condition)
Approved (Approve)
Application Validated
Construction Landscaping Discharge Trees Fence Boundary
DC/20/01044/TPO | Tree Preservation Order Application

39 Western Way Blaydon On Tyne NE21 5NS

Works to trees protected by TPO107 :T1 Sycamore - prune up to 6 lowest branches overhanging fence into neighbours property

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order Application)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Trees Fence