Gateshead Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

DC/21/00730/CPL | Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev

1 Salkeld Gardens Low Fell Gateshead NE9 5ED

CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Construction of dormer roof window and adjustments to the roof structure to enlarge loft space for additional residential accommodation

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) (Certificate Proposed Lawful Use/Dev)
Approved (Development considered to be lawful)
Application Validated
Construction Roof Windows Residential Accommodation Dormer
DC/20/00708/FUL | Full Application

Tyne Bridge House Bottle Bank Gateshead

Proposed split-level office development (A2 and B1a uses) on two levels, with reception and meeting room at a lower level to the main office accommodation and a roof terrace, providing 522 sqm of office space and ancillary accommodation, demolition of existing sub-station, alterations to existing access steps and perimeter parapet walls, with the insertion of new fenestration on the northern and eastern elevations, re-alignment of the refuse store fence, and western wall and windows, and installation of planting strip at Bottle Bank (amended 02/10/20).

Local Authority
Gateshead Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Grant)
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Roof Development Windows Accommodation Office Fence