Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 8 planning applications

2023/01688/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

Stadium House 68 Wood Lane London W12 7TA

Robinia psuedoacacia False Acacia - southern courtyard garden - local conditions mean that its root development may have been heavily restricted, any construction ingress is liable to be detrimental to health and structural stability. - fell\ remove the tree completely.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Notice Refered to Planning)
Application Validated
Construction Development Trees
2022/00643/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

Hurlingham Club Ranelagh Gardens London SW6 3PR

10045 Fell - due to poor structural condition of stem and suspected decline. 10680 Fell - due to poor physiological condition and evident decline. Remove in order to prevent failure on to footpath. 10794 Pollard - to prevent failure of regrowth. Pollard points and congested regrowth is structurally suspect. 10371 Crown reduction - reduce height of stem leaning over footpath to a height of 5-6 m to manage crown at reduced dimensions. 10706 Crown reduction - reduce arching subdominant limb overhanging footpath by 1-2 m to minimise likelihood of failure due to cavity near bending point. 10106 Remove selected stem - Longitudinal cracking along SW stem near footpath. Remove stem. 10376 Fell and treat stump to prevent regrowth, to protect structural integrity of flood protection bank at base. 10050 Crown reduction - reduce height of declining stem back to live wood. 10317 Crown lift - lift crown over seating area by removing pendulous or small diameter branches, ensure at least 3m clearance from ground level. 10006 Crown reduction - Reduce height and lateral branch length by approximately 3m to relieve wind loading and minimise risk of either branch or stem failure and establish smaller crown. Final cuts to be at suitable growth points (<8cm diameter)." 10259 Fell selected stems - Remove cracked stems due to poor structural form of major branch junctions which will progressively become an issue with increasing branch weight in maturity. 10833 Crown reduction - Reduce height and branch length by approximately 1-2m to encourage development of a smaller crown, and minimise risk of branch failure due to localised decay pocket on stem. Final cuts to be made at suitable growth points, leaving furnishing growth to minimise visual impact."

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Development Trees
2022/02111/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

104 King Street London W6 0QW

Non-material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2021/01039/VAR) dated 3 February 2022, for the development: 'Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) to allow minor material amendments to planning permission (ref: 2020/00646/FUL) dated 24 November 2020, for "The redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition and removal of the existing timber shed buildings, the retention of the existing office and former recording studio buildings and the development of part-basement, part-1, part-2, part-3 storey buildings, refurbishment of the office building and development of a first floor extension to the recording studio; to be used as office (Use Class B1), associated access works and cycle parking spaces'. In conjunction with minor external and internal alterations to the approved buildings, the amendments include: installation of new windows on south elevation and the reconfiguration of the plant enclosure at roof level (Block A), increase in parapet heights (infill elements) and reconfiguration to provide a brick clad boundary wall with the Cambridge Grove properties (Block B); and alterations to provide an enclosed bike store fronting Cambridge Grove (Building C).". Amendments sought relate to changes to the landscaping scheme (condition 27) by way of the addition of trees and landscaping.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Development Landscaping Windows Trees Office Boundary Shed
2020/00142/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

11 Daisy Lane London SW6 3DD

Rear garden: Laurel - Dismantle to ground level. decay and fungal brackets evident as well as crown dieback Laurel - Reduce by approx 1/2m to contain development Crab apple x2 - reduce by approx 1/2m to contain development

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Development Trees
2020/00141/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

75 Sawley Road London W12 0LQ

Front Garden - Indian Bean tree - Reduce by approx 1m to contain development and limit shade Rear Garden - Tree of heaven x3 - Reduce by approx 1/2m to contain development and limit shade - Acer x2 - Reduce crown by 2m to contain development - Amalanchier - Reduce height by 2/3 to contain development - Robinia - Reduce crown by 1/2m to contain development

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Development Trees
2019/03721/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

207 Hammersmith Grove London W6 0NP

Rear Garden: Robinia (T1 & T2) - Fell to ground; Unidentified evergreen (T3) - Fell dead evergreen to ground. None of the trees are to be replanted to allow for the future development of a garden studio at the rear of the garden.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Development Trees
2020/00296/TPO | Tree Preservation Order Works

201 Bentworth Road And Adjacent Land To Rear London W12 7AB

Pruning of a large Ash tree within the garden of 201 Bentworth Road subject to TPO 2020/00296/TPO. Reduction of the crown by a maximum of 30% of crown volume, with a maximum of 3-3.5m removed from the ends of the branches, subject to being carried out in accordance with BS3998:2010, with no large pruning wounds (above 100m diameter) created during the work (Amended development description).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Tree Preservation Order Works)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Development Trees
2020/01308/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

Alton Estate London SW11 3RF

The application is for a part outline and part detailed planning permission and the REVISED description of the proposed development is set out below: (a) Phased demolition of existing buildings structures (except Alton Activity Centre building); (b) Mixed-use phased development ranging from 1-9 storeys above ground level comprising up to 1,108 residential units and up to 9,459 sqm (GIA) of non-residential uses comprising new / replacement community facilities (including library, healthcare facilities, youth facilities, community hall, children's nursery & children's centre) (Class D1); flexible commercial floorspace (comprising retail (Class A1), financial and professional services (Class A2), café/ restaurants (Class A3), hotfood takeaways (Class A5), business (Class B1), & community uses (Class D1); landscaping; removal and replacement of trees; public realm improvements; access improvements; relocation of bus turnaround area and provision of bus driver toilet facility; improvements to children's play facilities; provision of energy centre & associated rooftop plant enclosure, car/cycle parking & highway works. All matters reserved except for Blocks A, K, M, N, O, Q, Portswood Place Nursery and Community Centre and highway/ landscape/public realm improvements.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Demolition Development Landscaping Residential Trees Shop