Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 38 planning applications

2023/02552/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 and 9 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 90% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation, and Schedule 9, Clause 1.3, relating to: The occupation of the Affordable Rent Units until the Affordable Units have been transferred to a Registered Provider. The proposed amendment seeks to amend the triggers, to allow no more than 50% of the Market Housing Units to be Occupied until the Shared Ownership Units and the Affordable Rent Units within the Development have obtained a building control certificate.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2023/01134/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

Watermeadow Court Watermeadow Lane London

Non material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2020/00695/VAR) dated 10 March 2023 for "Variation to conditions 2 (Approved Drawings), 7 (Blue Badge Parking) and 56 (new condition relating to the amount of development, added to non-material amendment permission ref: 2021/0377/NMAT), of the original planning permission (ref: 2017/01841/FUL) granted 3 October 2019" for the "Erection of residential units (Class C3) across three blocks; shared single storey basement with car parking; private open space; hard and soft landscaping; preparatory and associated works (EIA development)". Amendments sought planning permission (ref: 2022/00695/VAR) dated 10 March 2023 relate to: the proposed merger of two adjoining flats on both the 7th and 8th floor of Block C. The 7th floor unit would comprise of the merger of two neighbouring 2b/4p flats, to form a larger single 3b/6p dwelling. The 8th floor unit would comprise of the merger of a 1b/2p and a 3b/5p flat, to form a larger single 4b/8p dwelling.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Flat
2023/02285/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 90% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation. The proposed amendment seeks to remove the trigger, allowing 100% of the Market Housing Units to be occupied.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2023/01968/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

108 - 114 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9PL

Non-material amendment to planning permission reference: 2020/00514/VAR dated 8th July 2020 for the "Variation of Condition 16 (Air Quality) of planning application reference: 2017/02163/FUL, allowed on appeal ref: APP/H5390/W/17/3189578 dated 4th September 2018, for the "Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for the erection of a part-four and part five-storey building plus basement to provide 34 residential units, two ground floor retail units (total floorspace 436 sqm) and provision of associated amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse storage." Amendments sought to the wording of Condition 16 to read: "Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted an Ultra Low Emission Strategy (ULES) for the operational phase of the development in order to mitigate the impact of air pollution shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Ultra Low Emission Strategy must detail the remedial action and mitigation measures that will be implemented to protect receptors (e.g. design solutions). This Strategy must make a commitment to implement the mitigation measures that are required to reduce the exposure of poor air quality and to help mitigate the development's air pollution impacts, in particular the emissions of NOx and particulates from on-road vehicle transport by the use of Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) compliant Vehicles in accordance with the emissions hierarchy (1) Cargo bike (2) Electric Vehicle, (3) Hybrid (non-plug in) Electric Vehicle (HEV), (4) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), (5) Alternative Fuel e.g. CNG, LPG. A monitoring report of the implementation of the ULES shall be submitted on annual basis to the LPA. Approved details shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation/use of the development and thereafter permanently retained and maintained." Amendments sought are alterations to the shopfront and other minor alterations to facilitate occupation as a retail shop.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential Shop
2023/00941/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 25% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation. The proposed amendment seeks to increase the existing trigger from 25% to 90%.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2022/02484/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

24 - 26 Stanlake Villas London W12 7EX

Variation of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference: 1998/01902/FUL dated 6th November 1998, by the deletion of the MIP clause contained at 5.1.5 of the Section 106 Agreement and replace with the pro forma "SWG" wording. This is required in order to meet current lender requirements for charging at MVST. Amend paragraph 5.1.5 to include the following persons within the exclusion clause: Persons who have exercised a right to buy, including a preserved right to buy, and the right to acquire; Persons who have been granted a shared ownership Lease and have subsequently staircased to 100%; Mortgagees, chargees and successors in title of the persons listed above. Delete clause 5.1.6 which prevents disposal under 5.1.5 unless additional car parking spaces have been provided. Our client has confirmed that there 5 designated parking spaces at the development which meets the minimum requirements for planning.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2023/00975/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

284 - 288 North End Road London SW6 1NH

Non-material amendment to planning permission reference: 2021/01830/VAR dated 8th December 2022 for the "Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings), Condition 34 (number of rooms), Condition 52 (Sustainable design and construction), Condition 53 (Carbon reduction) and Condition 57 (number of rooms), and removal of Condition 35 (breakfast room)to allow minor material amendments to planning permission reference: 2017/04216/FUL dated 29 March 2019, as amended by 2020/02512/NMAT, for the "Demolition of existing building, and redevelopment of the site to provide a hotel (Use Class C1) and retail unit at ground floor level (Use Class E(a) the display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food)." Amendments sought are for: change from 100 bed hotel to 39 bed apart-hotel (Class C1); enlargement of ground floor refuse store by 2.2m in length along the side elevation facing Bucklers Alley; excavation of a single storey basement instead of two floors; and minor adjustment of window positionings." Non-material amendment sought is the alteration of the description of development for the retail unit from Class E(a) to Class E.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Development Windows Shop
2022/02111/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

104 King Street London W6 0QW

Non-material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2021/01039/VAR) dated 3 February 2022, for the development: 'Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) to allow minor material amendments to planning permission (ref: 2020/00646/FUL) dated 24 November 2020, for "The redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition and removal of the existing timber shed buildings, the retention of the existing office and former recording studio buildings and the development of part-basement, part-1, part-2, part-3 storey buildings, refurbishment of the office building and development of a first floor extension to the recording studio; to be used as office (Use Class B1), associated access works and cycle parking spaces'. In conjunction with minor external and internal alterations to the approved buildings, the amendments include: installation of new windows on south elevation and the reconfiguration of the plant enclosure at roof level (Block A), increase in parapet heights (infill elements) and reconfiguration to provide a brick clad boundary wall with the Cambridge Grove properties (Block B); and alterations to provide an enclosed bike store fronting Cambridge Grove (Building C).". Amendments sought relate to changes to the landscaping scheme (condition 27) by way of the addition of trees and landscaping.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Development Landscaping Windows Trees Office Boundary Shed
2022/00695/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Watermeadow Court Watermeadow Lane London

Variation to conditions 2 (Approved Drawings), 7 (Blue Badge Parking) and 56 (new condition relating to the amount of development, added to non-material amendment permission ref: 2021/03777/NMAT) of Planning Permission (ref: 2017/01841/FUL) granted 3 October 2019, for the "Erection of residential units (Class C3) across three blocks; shared single storey basement with car parking; private open space; hard and soft landscaping; preparatory and associated works. (EIA development)". Application submitted in order to permit minor material amendments to the development under s73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) as amended. Amendments comprise reconfiguration of internal layouts, change the mix, number, and tenure of dwellings (increasing the number of homes to 266 dwellings), regularisation of floor-to-floor heights to facilitate insertion of additional floors into Blocks B and C and increase height of Block C to accommodate an additional floor. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, as amended.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential
2022/03052/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

124 Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2UL

Variation to wording of condition 13 of planning permission ref: 2018/03626/FUL granted 24th January 2019 for the 'Change of use of the basement and ground floor levels from Estate Agents Class A2 to Restaurant Class A3; installation of bi-folding doors to the front elevation; installation of a new entrance door with glazed panels to replace existing garage door to side elevation; alterations to existing door to side elevation to create a bin store; installation of an awning to front elevation; installation of three additional air conditioning units and extract ducting on the flat roof at first floor level to rear elevation; use of the forecourt for 12 tables and 24 chairs' to read as follows: 'No deliveries nor collections / loading nor unloading nor unloading shall occur at the development hereby approved other than between the hours of 05:15 to 18:00 via Wandsworth Bridge Road Monday to Friday entrance and via Studdridge Street 08.00 to 18.00 on Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 18.00 on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Public / Bank Holidays.'

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Roof Development Garage