Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 3 planning applications

2022/00747/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

37 Cloncurry Street London SW6 6DR

T1 - Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) - Fell tree to ground level and remove stump - FRONT Garden. Client is open to replant of site appropriate replacement at upcoming planting season. Reasons for works proposal - Heavy crown bias to north with scaffold limb extending over public footpath at a minimum of 1.8m; lower than the statutory clearance heights for public highways. Potential subsidence damages to dwelling frontage; indicated by building surveyor. The property owner(s) considers that retention of the tree in it's context will place an unreasonable ongoing maintenance responsibility and cost on the party in the long term.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Dwelling Trees
2020/02236/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

61 Richmond Way London W14 0AS

Submission of details and samples of all external facing and finishing materials, pursuant to Condition 3; details of a Demolition Method Statement and Construction Management Plan, pursuant to Condition 4; details of a Demolition and Construction Logistics Plan, pursuant to Condition 5; details of measures for the protection during the construction period of the sycamore tree within the site curtilage, pursuant to Condition 6; details and a sample of obscure glass for the glazed panel on the southern elevation of the new dwelling hereby permitted, pursuant to Condition 7; details of the hard and soft landscaping of all areas external to the building, including planting and paving, detailed drawings at a scale of not less than 1:20 of fences, gates and other means of enclosure, pursuant to Condition 12; details of a scheme for temporary fencing and/or enclosure of the site where necessary, pursuant to Condition 13; details of the Ultra-Low NOx Gas fired boilers to be provided for space heating and hot water, pursuant to Condition 20; and details of a noise assessment, pursuant to Condition 21 of planning permission reference: 2018/03512/FUL dated 8th May 2019.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Dwelling Landscaping Trees Fence
2020/00540/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

61 Richmond Way London W14 0AS

Submission of details and samples of all external facing and finishing materials, pursuant to Condition 3; details of a Demolition Method Statement and Construction Management Plan, pursuant to Condition 4; details of a Demolition and Construction Logistics Plan, pursuant to Condition 5; details of measures for the protection during the construction period of the sycamore tree within the site curtilage, pursuant to Condition 6; details and a sample of obscure glass for the glazed panel on the southern elevation of the new dwelling hereby permitted, pursuant to Condition 7; details of the hard and soft landscaping of all areas external to the building, including planting and paving, detailed drawings at a scale of not less than 1:20 of fences, gates and other means of enclosure, pursuant to Condition 12; details of a scheme for temporary fencing and/or enclosure of the site where necessary, pursuant to Condition 13; details of a preliminary risk assessment report, pursuant to Condition 14; details of a site investigation scheme, pursuant to Condition 15; details of a quantitative risk assessment report, pursuant to Condition 16; details of a remediation method statement, pursuant to Condition 17; details of a verification report confirming that the approved remediation method statement has been carried out in full, pursuant to Condition 18; details of an onward long-term monitoring methodology report, pursuant to Condition 19; details of the Ultra-Low NOx Gas fired boilers to be provided for space heating and hot water, pursuant to Condition 20; and details of a noise assessment, pursuant to Condition 21 of planning permission reference: 2018/03512/FUL dated 8th May 2019.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
Demolition Construction Dwelling Landscaping Trees Fence