Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 4 planning applications

2022/02111/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

104 King Street London W6 0QW

Non-material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2021/01039/VAR) dated 3 February 2022, for the development: 'Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) to allow minor material amendments to planning permission (ref: 2020/00646/FUL) dated 24 November 2020, for "The redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition and removal of the existing timber shed buildings, the retention of the existing office and former recording studio buildings and the development of part-basement, part-1, part-2, part-3 storey buildings, refurbishment of the office building and development of a first floor extension to the recording studio; to be used as office (Use Class B1), associated access works and cycle parking spaces'. In conjunction with minor external and internal alterations to the approved buildings, the amendments include: installation of new windows on south elevation and the reconfiguration of the plant enclosure at roof level (Block A), increase in parapet heights (infill elements) and reconfiguration to provide a brick clad boundary wall with the Cambridge Grove properties (Block B); and alterations to provide an enclosed bike store fronting Cambridge Grove (Building C).". Amendments sought relate to changes to the landscaping scheme (condition 27) by way of the addition of trees and landscaping.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Demolition Variation Amendment Roof Development Landscaping Windows Trees Office Boundary Shed
2021/01972/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

The Castle Centre Broomhouse Lane London SW6 3DP

Submission of a.) detailed drawings in plan, section and elevation at 1:20 scale of typical bays, to include cladding details, soffits, balustrades, entrances, plant enclosures and external light fittings; b.) detailed drawings in plan, section and elevation at 1:20 scale of the junctions between the extension and listed building; c). detailed drawings in plan, section and elevation at 1:20 scale and material samples (including a sample panel showing pointing style, mortar mix, mortar colour and brick bond) of the proposed boundary treatment; d.) landscape plans and sections, planting schedules/tree specifications and hard landscaping material samples, to include detailed drawings in plan, section and elevation of the entrances and platforms at the base of the listed building and proposed hand rails; e) 1:20 detailed drawings in plan, section and internal and external elevation, including proposed materials of the glazed link section and terrace glass screens of the extension building, all pursuant to Condition 5; details including samples of all external materials including cladding mock-up panel(s) showing all main cladding material and junctions between them, to be viewed on site, pursuant to Condition 6; details and a sample of the obscure glazed screening to be used for the proposed roof terrace, pursuant to Condition 34; details of boundary wall, pursuant to Condition 42; details of new and replacement fenestration including opening style, pursuant to Condition 43; details of and samples of all materials and detailed drawings of all rooftop plant and plant enclosures, pursuant to Condition 47; and details of a.) materiality and fixings of the ramps and balustrades of the final landscape design; and b.) 1:20 details in plan, section and elevation of the entrances to the base of the listed building, pursuant to Condition 48 of planning permission reference: 2020/02024/VAR dated 11th March 2021.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Roof Landscaping Windows Trees Boundary
2021/00785/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

66 Clonmel Road London SW6 5BJ

Erection of a front and rear roof extension; erection of a single storey rear extension, to the side and rear of existing back addition following the demolition of existing conservatory; installation of a new window to replace existing to the rear elevation at second floor level; installation of a new window to replace existing to the side elevation at first floor level; infilling of a window to the side elevation at first floor level; installation of a new door and windows to replace existing, to the front elevation at first floor level; installation of a new main front entrance door to replace existing; alterations to the front boundary wall to include erection of painted brickwork and iron railings on top; excavation of front garden and part of rear garden to form lightwells, in connection with the enlargement of the existing basement; removal of trees T3 and T4 in the rear garden.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Roof Windows Trees Conservatory Boundary
2020/01967/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

Peabody Estate St Johns Hill London SW11 1TY

Details Landscape General Arrangement plan, Tree Planting Plan, Hard Landscape, Plan, Walls& Boundaries Plan, Soft Landscape Schedule and Landscape Specifications pursuant to conditions 3 and 13 of planning permission dated 15/01/2019 ref 2017/5837 (Variation of condition 15 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 18/10/2012 ref 2012/1258 (Demolition of all existing buildings. Erection of 5 buildings of 4-12, 4-8, 7, 5-7 and 4-6 storeys to provide 527 residential units (135 x 1 bed, 261 x 2 bed,105 x 3 bed and 26 x 4 bed), with approx. 7800 square metres of private, communal & public space & public routes. Car parking (121 spaces within basement and 15 spaces at grade), 687 cycle parking spaces plus approximately 530 square metres of community space in the centre of the site and approximately 569 square metres of commercial space (classes A1-A5 (retail, financial and professional services, cafe/restaurant, take away, pub/bar and/or B1 office use) at the northern end of the site. Vehicular accesses from Comyn Rd and Eckstein Rd and emergency access from St John's Hill and Strath Terrace.) to allow: Plot 2: two storey increase allowing an additional 23 flats and change in tenure to older persons social rent only, removal of basement carparking; Planning Portal Re: PP-08149002 Plot 3: two storey increase to the centre tower allowing an additional 11 flats and change in tenure to private rent only; Plot 6: one storey increase allowing three additional flats; Plot 7: four additional flats (through internal reconfigurations); Plot 8: loss of one flat; Plot 9: One storey increase to the western section, extension of southern section facing Comyn Rd to close the building gap and removal of corner feature to Comyn Rd to allow 31 additional flats, inclusion of parking below podium level; General alterations to fenestration and finishes to accommodate changes and reconfiguration of carparking resulting in a loss of 28 spaces. Overall reco

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Landscaping Windows Residential Trees Flat Office Shop