Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 179 planning applications

2023/01591/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

39 Avonmore Road London W14 8RT

Erection of rear extensions at lower ground, ground and first floor levels; erection of railings on part of top of the proposed lower ground floor rear extension and replacement of trellises on side boundaries with close boarded fencing, in connection with the formation a roof terrace; installation of new French doors following the removal of existing window, to the rear elevation at ground floor level, to provide access to the proposed roof terrace; erection of a new enlarged dormer window following the removal of existing in the rear roofslope; lowering the lower ground floor level; demolition of existing external staircase and steps and formation of new steps with metal railings and handrails in the rear garden; associated landscaping of the rear garden.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Roof Landscaping Windows Dormer Fence
2023/01919/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

41 Biscay Road London W6 8JW

Erection of a single storey rear extension to the side of the existing back addition; demolition of existing single storey ground floor rear extension; installation of bi-folding doors to the rear elevation at ground floor level; erection of a 2metre high timber boundary fence to the east and west boundaries of the rear garden; excavation of the front garden to form a lightwell, in connection with the enlargement of the existing basement; erection of a front boundary wall with railings on top and installation of a pedestrian access gate to the front elevation.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Fence Boundary
2023/01471/CLP | Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Wormholt Park Primary School 37 Bryony Road London W12 0SR

Playground safeguarding works to Wormholt Park Primary School, including installation of 2no. new gates to existing gate openings on Erica Street to match main entrance gate like for like on Bryony Road. (standard gate/door opening approx. 1m width and 2m in height); installation of new fencing to playground areas to separate from staff car parking space, including the addition of new pedestrian and vehicular access gates, with all fencing and gates will be 1.8m in height or below; and works will include making good of existing surfaces, including re-surfacing of existing tarmac hardstanding ground where disturbed and damaged.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) (Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
2023/02401/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

Bridge Academy Finlay Street London SW6 6HB

Submission of detailed drawings at a scale of not less than 1:20 in section of the timber glazing bars, pursuant to condition 4; details of the shed including elevations and materials, pursuant to condition 6; details of the fence including elevations and materials, pursuant to condition 7 of planning permission ref: 2021/04093/FUL granted 30th June 2022.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Fence Shed
2023/02524/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

Land At Rigeley Mews London

Submission of details and a sample of the obscured glazing to be installed in those windows at first floor level, as indicated on the approved drawings, pursuant to Condition 5; details and samples of surface materials, of the soft and hard landscaping of all private and communal external areas, including planting, planting schedules, paving, boundary walls, fences, gates and other means of enclosure, pursuant to Condition 11; details of any proposed external lighting, pursuant to Condition 12; and full details of the proposed cycle spaces, as shown on the approved drawings, pursuant to Condition 15 of planning permission reference: 2018/01943/FUL dated 13th March 2020. (Condition 7 omitted)

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Landscaping Windows Fence Boundary
2023/02043/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

6 Micklethwaite Road London SW6 1QD

Erection of a rear roof extension; erection of a rear extension at second floor level, over part of the existing back addition; erection of a single storey rear extension, to the side and rear of the existing back addition; replacement of existing window to the rear elevation at first floor level with French doors and a Juliet balcony; installation of an air source heat pump contained within a timber enclosure to the rear garden; erection of 1600mm high brick walls to replace all existing fences to the rear garden; and erection of a new front boundary wall comprising part wall/ part railing with 2no. metal access gates.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Roof Windows Fence Boundary
2023/01144/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

6 - 8 Dewhurst Road London W14 0ET

Amalgamation of 2no dwellinghouses into a single family dwellinghouse; erection of rear extensions at third floor level, on top of the existing back additions; demolition of existing single storey rear extensions and erection of a replacement single storey rear extension including the formation of an enlarged roof terrace above the roof of ground floor rear back addition; excavation of the front garden to form lightwells in connection with the enlargement of the existing basements; replacement of existing dormer windows with new dormer windows comprising of windows and French doors with Juliet balconies in the rear roofslope; installation of 2no rooflights in the front roofslope to no. 6 Dewhurst Road; replacement of existing windows with new windows and replacement of the existing single door with double doors at first floor level to the rear elevation; removal of rear fencing and front wall between no. 6 and 8 Dewhurst Road and installation of replacement refuse and cycle stores; erection of new front boundary wall with railings on top and a pedestrian access gate to no. 8 Dewhurst Road; associated landscaping in the front and rear gardens.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Roof Dwelling Landscaping Windows Dormer Fence Boundary
2023/02384/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

5 - 17 Michael Road And 611 King's Road London SW6 2ER

Submission of details and samples of surface materials, of the soft and hard landscaping of all private and communal external areas, including planting, planting schedules, paving, boundary walls, fences, gates and other means of enclosure, pursuant to Condition 39 of planning permission reference: 2019/02662/FUL dated 18th March 2021.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Landscaping Fence Boundary
2023/01921/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

The Alleyway To Glasshouse R/O 49 Goldhawk Road London W12 8QP

Installation of a metal pedestrian access gate and metal fencing to the alleyway fronting Wells Road and in between nos. 3-4 Wells Road.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
2022/02327/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

Flat A Basement 62 Netherwood Road London W14 0BG

Erection of a single storey rear extension, to the side and rear of the existing back addition; alterations to the existing rear garden boundary treatment (including the replacement of the existing timber fence between Nos. 60 and 62 Netherwood Road with a brick wall with timber fence/trellis sat atop, and the replacement of the existing timber fence atop the existing brick wall between Nos. 62 and 64 Netherwood Road with a timber fence/trellis); alterations to the front garden and boundary wall to include, erection of a new replacement boundary wall with railings on top, installation of a new entrance gate to the new boundary wall, and alterations to front entrance steps serving the basement flat, including the installation of a stairlift and stair rail; landscaping of the rear garden to include erection of a raised planter.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Landscaping Fence Boundary