Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 4 planning applications

2022/00759/TREE | Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area

Hurlingham Club Ranelagh Gardens London SW6 3PR

Group G1 - this is a large group of trees running along the foreshore of the club on the riverside. It is predominantly populated by tall, single stem poplars and willows. The roots are relatively shallow and have a lot of decay present as they constantly under water and are rooted into soft mud. There were numerous trees blown over in the recent storm, some which were resting on the retaining fence leading on to the river. There are also various deciduous trees such as sycamores and maples at the top of the bank that have grown too large for their location. We would like to reduce the poplars and willows down to 6-8 meters in height to alleviate the weight and mechanical loading on the stems and root system. This will also prevent them falling onto the perimeter fence and causing it to fail. Some of them have been reduced in the past and will just be reduced back to previous points. The various other trees on the foreshaw need to be reduced in height to circa 12 meters to maintain a suitable size for their location. There are also various trees that are growing out of the retaining wall towards the river, these will be removed. The club have recently commissioned a survey from a specialist firm to determine the integrity of the retaining wall running along the clubs river boundary to assess the effectiveness of the flood defence. The report has found numerous weaknesses in the wall due to self-sown trees and vegetation which all needs to be removed before structural strengthening is undertaken. The idea is to retain the trees to maintain screening from the flats and warehouses on the opposite side of the river.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Works to Tree(s) in Conservation Area)
(Tree Six Week Notice Expired)
Application Validated
Trees Flat Fence Boundary
2021/00851/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

121 Uxbridge Road London W12 8NL

Erection of a rear roof extension; erection of a rear extension at first floor level, on top of the existing back addition; use of part of the basement for restaurant use only; re-instatement of 2no windows to the rear elevation at first floor level; installation of a new access door to replace the existing door to rear boundary fence; removal of external staircase and formation of a new patio area with cycle storage and refuse storage in the rear garden; installation of 2no rooflights in the front roofslope; installation of 1no roof light to replace the existing rooflights above the roof of the single storey back addition and 1no rooflight above the roof of ground floor level and new pavement lights at the front of the property; conversion of first floor, second floor, third floor, and rear part of the ground floor level into 2 x 1 bedroom and 1 x 2 bedroom self-contained flats. (revised proposal to reflect amendments during course of application).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Roof Conversion Windows Flat Fence Boundary
2021/01657/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

Spring Vale Estate Ceylon Road London W14 0PY

Non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 2013/01865/FR3 granted 8th August 2013 for the 'Redevelopment comprising erection of a four storey building providing 8 flats (2 x 1 bed, 6 x 2 bed) together with two, 2 storey 3 bedroom dwelling houses; with associated parking, landscaping, and alterations to the existing footpath and vehicle access, following demolition of four garages.' Amendments to include: Splaying of corners of boundary fences to either side of main entrance to flats to Porten Road side of building.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Flat Fence Boundary
2020/00897/DET | Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline

108 - 114 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9PL

Submission of details of all materials to be used in all external faces of the building, with details and samples to include the following: (i) Brickwork (including details of colour, composition and texture of the brick, and the bond, pointing style and mortar mix and colour to be used); (ii) Metal cladding to the Winslow Road elevation; (iii) Details of the screens and terrace enclosures (including RAL colour, composition, and texture); (iv) External windows and entrances (including colour and glazing styles); (v) Balustrades; (vi) Shop front treatments; (vii) Roof top installations, including the green roof (adjacent to Apartment 13); (viii) External hard surfacing including paving, boundary walls, railings, gates, fences, and other means of enclosure; (ix) A schedule listing of all the exact product references and RAL colours and a schedule of location of usage; all pursuant to Condition 24 of planning application reference: 2020/00514/VAR dated 8th July 2020.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Details to Meet Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Roof Windows Flat Shop Fence Boundary