Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 6 planning applications

2023/00827/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

56 Waldo Road London NW10 6AX

Change of use from part retail (Class E) and part residential (Use Class C3) to a standalone casting studio/office (Use Class E) at ground floor level and a two bedroom flat (Use Class C3) above; erection of an additional floor at roof level with solar panels; formation of a roof terrace on top of the existing back addition at second floor level; demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a part single part two storey side and rear extension; installation of air source heat pump to side elevation of back addition; replacement windows to front, side and rear elevations; installation of new shopfront; associated landscaping and alterations to the existing Waldo Road facing boundary treatment (Revised description).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Roof Landscaping Windows Residential Office Shop Garage Boundary
2023/01638/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

14 Old Oak Road London W3 7HQ

Non-material amendments to planning permission reference: 2019/01306/FUL dated 7th July 2020 for the "Demolition of detached house and garage, erection of a replacement three storey building comprising of 6 self-contained residential flats (1 x 1 bedroom, 5 x 2 bedroom) with balconies at first and second floor levels; erection of a detached two-storey, 3-bedroom dwellinghouse; erection of associated cycle and bin storage enclosures; landscaping works including new off-street parking; and a new boundary wall to Old Oak Road and Aldbourne Road." Amendments sought are the installation of a new obscured bathroom window to the front elevation at second floor level, and the installation of a glass roof over the hallway entrance. Obscured window does not materially change the design and appearance of the property, and being obscured will not impact on privacy of any surrounding property. Glass roof will be behind parapet and not visible fom anywhere in the public domian, nor will it impact on the amenity of any of the surrounding properties.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Roof Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential Flat Garage Boundary House
2022/01814/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

56 Waldo Road London NW10 6AX

Change of use from part retail (Class E) and part residential (Use Class C3) to a standalone casting studio/office (Use Class E) at ground floor level and a two bedroom flat (Use Class C3) above; erection of an additional floor at roof level with solar panels; formation of a roof terrace on top of the existing back addition at second floor level; demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a part single two storey side and rear extension; installation of air source heat pump to side elevation of back addition; associated landscaping; alterations to the street facing boundary treatment; and erection of bin storage fronting Waldo Road elevation. (Revised description)

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Roof Landscaping Residential Office Shop Garage Boundary
2021/03399/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

1 Bridges Place London SW6 4HW

Demolition of former car parking garage in residential use and erection of a single storey plus-basement building to provide a two storey single family dwellinghouse.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Dwelling Residential Garage
2021/02535/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

1 Bridges Place London SW6 4HW

Variation of condition 2 of planning application ref: 2017/04166/FUL of which appeal ref: APP/H5390/W/18/3205567 granted 26th November 2018 for the 'Demolition of former car parking garage in residential use and erection of a single storey plus-basement building to provide a two storey single family dwellinghouse.' Amendments to the roof of single storey rear extension to include the installation of 2no flat rooflights in place of 1no rooflight.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Variation Roof Dwelling Residential Garage
2019/01306/FUL | Full Detailed Planning Application

14 Old Oak Road London W3 7HQ

Demolition of detached house and garage, erection of a replacement three storey building comprising of 6 self-contained residential flats (1 x 1 bedroom, 5 x 2 bedroom) with balconies at first and second floor levels; erection of a detached two-storey, 3-bedroom dwellinghouse; erection of associated cycle and bin storage enclosures; landscaping works including new off-street parking; and a new boundary wall to Old Oak Road and Aldbourne Road.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Full planning consent (Full Detailed Planning Application)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Dwelling Landscaping Residential Flat Garage Boundary House