Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 24 planning applications

2023/02618/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Flat 3 20 Mirabel Road London SW6 7EH

Variation of conditions 2, 3 and 4 (parking permits) of planning permission ref: 2013/01180/EFUL granted 19th June 2013 for the 'Renewal of planning permission ref: 2010/01476/FUL granted 7th July 2010 for the erection of a rear roof extension; erection of a single storey ground floor extension, to the side of the existing back addition; excavation of front garden to create a lightwell, in connection with the conversion of existing basement into habitable spaces; conversion of the existing single dwelling into 3 self-contained flats' to allow the occupiers of the second floor flat (Flat 3) to apply for street parking permits.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Erection Variation Roof Conversion Dwelling
2023/01134/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

Watermeadow Court Watermeadow Lane London

Non material amendment to planning permission (ref: 2020/00695/VAR) dated 10 March 2023 for "Variation to conditions 2 (Approved Drawings), 7 (Blue Badge Parking) and 56 (new condition relating to the amount of development, added to non-material amendment permission ref: 2021/0377/NMAT), of the original planning permission (ref: 2017/01841/FUL) granted 3 October 2019" for the "Erection of residential units (Class C3) across three blocks; shared single storey basement with car parking; private open space; hard and soft landscaping; preparatory and associated works (EIA development)". Amendments sought planning permission (ref: 2022/00695/VAR) dated 10 March 2023 relate to: the proposed merger of two adjoining flats on both the 7th and 8th floor of Block C. The 7th floor unit would comprise of the merger of two neighbouring 2b/4p flats, to form a larger single 3b/6p dwelling. The 8th floor unit would comprise of the merger of a 1b/2p and a 3b/5p flat, to form a larger single 4b/8p dwelling.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Flat
2022/00695/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Watermeadow Court Watermeadow Lane London

Variation to conditions 2 (Approved Drawings), 7 (Blue Badge Parking) and 56 (new condition relating to the amount of development, added to non-material amendment permission ref: 2021/03777/NMAT) of Planning Permission (ref: 2017/01841/FUL) granted 3 October 2019, for the "Erection of residential units (Class C3) across three blocks; shared single storey basement with car parking; private open space; hard and soft landscaping; preparatory and associated works. (EIA development)". Application submitted in order to permit minor material amendments to the development under s73 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) as amended. Amendments comprise reconfiguration of internal layouts, change the mix, number, and tenure of dwellings (increasing the number of homes to 266 dwellings), regularisation of floor-to-floor heights to facilitate insertion of additional floors into Blocks B and C and increase height of Block C to accommodate an additional floor. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, as amended.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential
2022/01799/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

86B Glenthorne Road London W6 0LP

Variation of conditions 20 and 21 of planning permission ref: 2019/02072/FUL granted 25th October 2019 for the 'Change of use to a single family dwellinghouse (Class C3); increasing the ridge height of the main roof including the installation of new rooflights at main roof level; installation of two new timber window at first floor level on front elevation, retention and restoration of the shopfront at ground floor level to the front elevation; bricking up of the existing window at first floor level to the side elevation' to allow the occupier of the new dwellinghouse to apply for a single on street parking permit for a temporary period of 12 months.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Roof Dwelling Windows
2021/03339/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Land To The Rear Of 2 Iffley Road, And Land To The South And To The Rear Of 1-11 Southerton Road London W6 0PA

Variation of wording of condition 29 of planning application ref: 2017/01901/FUL of which appeal ref: APP/H5390/W/18/3208190 granted 1st February 2019 for the 'Change of use from motor vehicle maintenance (Class B2) into residential (Class C3); redevelopment of the site to create 5 x two storey dwelling houses and 4 x two bedroom self-contained flats' to allow the wording of condition 29 to read as follows: The proposed residential units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 hereby permitted shall be created to meet Optional Requirement M4(2) - Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings of the Building Regulations 2010 Approved Document M Access to and Use of Buildings (2015 Edition) excluding the external approach route to dwelling and shall be permanently retained as such thereafter.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Variation Dwelling Residential
2022/00668/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

120A Broughton Road London SW6 2LB

Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 12 (refuse storage) and 13 (cycle storage) of planning permission ref: 2015/00739/FUL granted 8th April 2015 for the 'Material amendment to planning permission ref: 2014/02921/FUL granted 8th September 2014 for the Demolition of existing single storey storage and distribution building (Class B8) and the erection of a replacement single storey plus-basement single family dwellinghouse (Class C3). Amendments to alter the design and layout of the previously approved building, including; altered south, east and west elevations, altered lightwells and reconfigured outdoor amenity space.' Amendments to include formation of a cycle storage to upper ground floor courtyard at the rear of the property.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Dwelling
2021/03420/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Land To The Rear Of 2 Iffley Road, And Land To The South And To The Rear Of 1-11 Southerton Road London W6 0PA

Variation of conditions 2 and 29 of planning application ref: 2017/01901/FUL (of which appeal ref: APP/H5390/W/18/3208190 granted 1st February 2019) for 'change of use from motor vehicle maintenance (Class B2) into residential (Class C3); redevelopment of the site to create 5 x two storey dwelling houses and 4 x two-bedroom self-contained flats'. Amendments to the approved drawings to include: redesign of ramps to accommodate site topography; re-positioning and enlargement of the cycle store; amendments to flat block including re-positioning, re-design of internal layouts, minor adjustments fenestration, and enlargement of external stairs; amendments to mews buildings including re-positioning, re-design of internal layouts, minor adjustments to external elevations by introducing additional brick detail, changes to fenestration to correspond to internal layouts, re-arrangement of skylights, and replacement of sedum roof with artificial green roofs; amendment to wording of Condition 29 to exclude the approach routes from the M4(2) requirement.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Roof Dwelling Windows Residential
2022/00321/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

Flat Ground Floor 22 Bryony Road London W12 0SS

Variation of wording of condition 1 of planning permission ref: 2016/04954/FUL granted 12th January 2017 for the 'Retention of an extension to the existing outbuilding in the rear garden at ground floor level' to allow the wording of condition 1 to read as follows 'No part of the single storey outbuilding hereby approved shall be used or occupied for purposes other than residential and the building shall not be used as a dwelling for any trade or business purposes.'

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Extension Variation Dwelling Residential
2021/01990/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

3 Kelvedon Road London SW6 5BP

Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: 2020/02540/FUL granted 25th January 2021 for the 'Demolition of existing timber yard storage building and erection of a replacement part one, part three storey plus basement building with a roof terrace at first floor level to provide 1 x 1 bedroom residential unit (Class C3) with flexible commercial floorspace (Class E) at basement and ground floor level fronting Kelvedon Road and Darlan Road; erection of a part one and part three storey 2 bedroom single family dwellinghouse (Class C3) fronting Kelvedon Road elevation' to allow amendments to the approved drawings to include: alterations to north eastern elevation to change second floor roof window with a dormer window, enlargement of ground floor windows, alterations to south eastern elevation to increase the size of the dormer window, alterations to refuse storage, provision of an external amenity space associated with the Class E unit, additional high level window on the ground floor to be made fixed shut, alterations to south western elevation to allow all windows to be made of aluminium casement frames, additional window to roof level, dormer window panes to change from 3 to 2, ground floor north western wall to be set back further, increasing the size of the dormer of dwellinghouse, 2no exterior gutters to be constructed of cast iron, reducing the height of the front fencing/gates to 1.8m, alterations to north western elevation to include the additional of a conservation type roof window for bathroom, part of the top of boundary wall to be finished in lead, alterations to front basement lightwell, basement to extend to church wall, alterations to ground floor layout, additional obscure glazed panels in terrace of dwellinghouse, alterations to first and second floor layouts and AOV roof window over stairs of dwellinghouse.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Roof Dwelling Windows Residential Dormer Fence Boundary
2021/03475/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

20 Parsons Green London SW6 4UH

Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: 2021/00686/FUL granted 1st July 2021 for the 'Demolition of the existing building including the basement floor level with the exception of the front facade, erection of a replacement part one, part three and part four storey plus-basement single family dwellinghouse; formation of a roof terrace at fourth floor level to the rear elevation and retention of the existing roof terrace at first floor level to the front elevation' to allow amendments to the approved drawings to include: changes to part of the floor level at lower ground floor level; reducing the size and depth of the rear basement patio; and lowering of part of the rear garden by 0.9m.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Roof Dwelling