Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 46 planning applications

2023/03140/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

Hanger Lane Gyratory Hanger Lane Ealing W5 1DL

Minor Material Amendment (S73a) to vary condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 195092VAR dated 11/11/2020 for (As varied Ref:174485FUL dated 26.11.2019)for Demolition of existing structure and erection of part 7, 9 and 13 storey building with double basement for use as student accommodation (use class sui generis) comprising up to 650 bed spaces, ground floor ancillary student facilities and study areas, cycle parking, plant, access and servicing, landscaping and public realm, and basement/ground floor retail/café/restaurant (class A1/A3) and gymnasium (class D2) commercial units. Variation seeks to rationalise room types and building facade based on modular construction, and to increase the height of the ground floor by 0.5 metres

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Landscaping Accommodation Shop
2023/02552/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 and 9 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 90% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation, and Schedule 9, Clause 1.3, relating to: The occupation of the Affordable Rent Units until the Affordable Units have been transferred to a Registered Provider. The proposed amendment seeks to amend the triggers, to allow no more than 50% of the Market Housing Units to be Occupied until the Shared Ownership Units and the Affordable Rent Units within the Development have obtained a building control certificate.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2023/02729/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

R/O Greenend Road Car Park South End Of Warple Way London

Application for a Minor Material Amendment (S73.a) to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission ref: 193680FUL dated 06/07/2022 for: Redevelopment to provide part three, part four storey building accommodating 42 self-contained residential units (5 x one bedroom, 37 x two bedroom) with the provision of 145 parking spaces (103 of which are retained as part of the Old Factory Quarter Section 106 Agreement) at ground and basement level; provision of open space, communal amenity space, cycle parking, landscaping and associated works. Variation seeks to supersede plans labelled 'Affordable Housing' and also seeks a deed of variation to the legal agreement associated with the permission, namely to amend Part 3 of the First Schedule of the deed which relates to affordable housing.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
(Objection Raised to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Landscaping Residential
2023/02285/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 90% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation. The proposed amendment seeks to remove the trigger, allowing 100% of the Market Housing Units to be occupied.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2023/01883/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

Carlson Court 116 Putney Bridge Road London SW15 2PG

Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 08/11/2021 ref 2021/2480 (Alterations, including the comprehensive refurbishment of the existing building including elevational changes, and its upward extension by two storeys to create a third floor and set-back fourth floor level, in connection with the provision flexible Class 'E' commercial use, including office accommodation/employment hub, together with a cafe/restaurant space at ground floor and roof level, associated soft and hard landscaping, including upgrading of central courtyard and provision of a roof top garden, provision of car parking spaces, cycle parking spaces, refuse storage and other associated works). The amendments sought include the addition of an infill at first floor level above the Deodar Road access point to facilitate access to a new internal stair at first floor level; extension of external walkway; removal of internal single storey staircase with floor void infilled at ground level; internal recess squared off at ground level - works in connection with updated fire safety strategy.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Roof Landscaping Accommodation Office
2016/03958/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Brandenburgh House 116 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9HH

Variation to Section 106 Agreement dated 3rd August 2000 of planning permission reference: 1999/02092/FUL to amend the occupation of the premises, allowing a wider range of occupants.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment
2023/01595/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

61 - 65 Holborn Viaduct London EC1A 2FD

Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) of planning permission 21/00781/FULMAJ (dated 02.09.2022) for the variation of condition 63 (approved drawings) to facilitate amendments to the approved scheme including but not limited to: alterations to the Snow Hill elevation and building line; changes to external facing materials; amendment to internal layouts to provide additional purpose built student accommodation; changes to the layout of the cultural and community space; and other ancillary works (RECONSULTATION DUE TO DESIGN AMENDMENTS AND SUBMISSION OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION).

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Amendment Accommodation
2023/00965/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

39 - 41 Margravine Road London W6 8LL

Variation of conditions 5.6 and 5.7 of Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference: 2015/02782/FUL dated 10th February 2016, by removing parking restrictions on no.39.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Validated
2023/00941/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

Quayside Lodge William Morris Way London SW6 2UZ

Deed of Variation to Schedule 8 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission (ref: 2017/03561/FUL) dated on 28 September 2018, seeking the amendment of Schedule 8, Clause 1.2, relating to: The occupation of no more than 25% of the Market Housing Units until the Shared Ownership Units in the development have been transferred to a Registered Provider and are practically complete and are capable of occupation. The proposed amendment seeks to increase the existing trigger from 25% to 90%.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development
2022/02484/VAPO | Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation

24 - 26 Stanlake Villas London W12 7EX

Variation of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference: 1998/01902/FUL dated 6th November 1998, by the deletion of the MIP clause contained at 5.1.5 of the Section 106 Agreement and replace with the pro forma "SWG" wording. This is required in order to meet current lender requirements for charging at MVST. Amend paragraph 5.1.5 to include the following persons within the exclusion clause: Persons who have exercised a right to buy, including a preserved right to buy, and the right to acquire; Persons who have been granted a shared ownership Lease and have subsequently staircased to 100%; Mortgagees, chargees and successors in title of the persons listed above. Delete clause 5.1.6 which prevents disposal under 5.1.5 unless additional car parking spaces have been provided. Our client has confirmed that there 5 designated parking spaces at the development which meets the minimum requirements for planning.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Vary or Discharge Planning Obligation)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development