Hammersmith & Fulham Planning Applications

Found 17 planning applications

2020/00334/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

67 - 69 Jeddo Road London W12 9ED

Variation of conditions 36, 37 and 38 (parking permits) of planning permission Ref: 2016/02250/VAR dated 5th October 2016, which in turn was to vary planning permission Ref. 2015/02007/VAR dated 30th July 2015 which allowed amendments to conditions so that parking permit restrictions only apply to Units 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the original development as approved under Ref. 2013/03692/FUL, for "Provision of 9 residential units and 211sqm of B1a office floorspace by the erection of a part 4 and part 5 storey building following the demolition of 67 Jeddo Road (with the exception of the ground floor façade), the retention and conversion of 69 Jeddo Road with external alterations including the replacement of all existing windows with new timber sash windows, and a new timber door to front elevation and timber gates to the existing archway entrance; provision of metal railings at the back of pavement and the erection of a full width mansard roof extension with two dormers to rear elevation, the erection of two, 3-bedroom semi-detached mews houses, following demolition of a single storey outbuilding to the rear)." Proposed amendments are to allow the occupiers of Unit 3 to apply for street parking permits.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Roof Conversion Development Windows Residential Office
2021/00895/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

Battersea Power Station Site Kirtling Street London

Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 submitted pursuant to outline planning permission dated 25th September 2020 (ref. 2020/0579) for variation to Conditions 3 (Reserved Matters), 5 (Architectural Design Code), 6 (Placemaking Code), 7 (Parameter Plans), 8 (Land Uses), 10 (Distribution of Land Uses), 11 (Development Zone Land Uses), 13 (Maximum Residential units), 14 (Residential Mix), 18 (Phasing Plan), 20 (Car Parking), 21 (Residential Car Parking Spaces) and 61 (Approved Drawings) to amend the outline planning permission to facilitate the following changes: - The addition of layout as a reserved matter; - Revised scale parameter plans to allow greater flexibility on the location and scale of development that can come forward within the Development Zones; - Updated design guidance to allow for smaller building plots and greater permeability through additional routes and spaces; - Revised land use parameter plans to allow greater flexibility on the land uses that can come forward; - Increased overall quantum of development, including potential uplifts in the amount of office, medical, hotel and education floorspace that could come forward; - Updating the Phasing Plan to identify the Flower building as Phase 3d instead of part of Phase 3c, and requiring the Phasing Plan to be updated with each reserved matter application to identify the plot being brought forward; - Changing Phase 3c from a detailed phase to an outline phase; - Amendments to the residential unit mix to provide greater flexibility; and - Updating the land use schedule to reflect the Use Classes Order 2020 for those areas to which it will apply.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Development Residential Office
2020/02630/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

314 - 320 North End Road London SW6 1NG

Variation to the wording of condition 19 of planning permission ref: 2010/00175/FUL granted 24th February 2011 for the 'Demolition of the existing buildings at 314-320 North End Road (with the exception of the facade on North End Road, which is retained) and the redevelopment of the site to provide a part two-storey, part three-storey replacement building, comprising two retail shops (Class A1) at ground floor level with 18 residential units on the upper floors' to read as follows: 'Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)Order 1995 (or any order amending, revoking and re-enacting that Order) no aerials, antennas, satellite dishes or related telecommunications equipment shall be erected on any part of the development hereby permitted without details first being approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.'

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Demolition Variation Development Residential Shop Telecommunications
2020/02234/NMAT | Non-Material Amendment Submission

103 - 105 Lillie Road London SW6 7SX

Non-material amendment to planning permission ref: 2019/02756/VAR granted 6th January 2020 for the 'Variation of Condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission reference: 2016/02771/FUL dated 15/05/2019 for the "Removal of the existing advertisement hoarding to the front of the site, and demolition of the existing retail storage (Class A1) and car wash buildings (Sui generis) to the rear, and redevelopment of the site to include the erection of a three storey building on the Lillie Road frontage, to provide 2 no. retail units (Class A1) at ground floor and 6no. self-contained flats (2 x studio and 4 x 2 bed) at first and second floor levels, and the erection of a three storey building to the rear of the site to provide 3no. self-contained flats (3 x 2 bed), together with 3 no. off-street car parking spaces (including 1 disabled space), and associated amenity spaces." Amendments sought are alterations to the approved drawings including a three-storey extension to the side of Block 2; insertion of a new lift to Block 2 and subsequent alterations to the internal layout of flats 1, 2 and 6 and associated fenestration' to allow amendments to the description of development to read as follows 'Removal of the existing advertisement hoarding to the front of the site, and demolition of the existing retail storage (Class A1) and car wash buildings (Sui generis) to the rear, and redevelopment of the site to include the erection a mixed use development to provide retail units (Class A1) at ground floor and residential development at the upper levels of the development, together with 3 no. off-street car parking spaces (including 1 disabled space), and associated amenity spaces.'

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non-Material Amendment Submission)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn (Applicant/Agent))
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential Flat Shop
2020/00514/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

108 - 114 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9PL

Variation of Condition 16 (Air Quality) of planning application reference: 2017/02163/FUL, allowed on appeal ref: APP/H5390/W/17/3189578 dated 4th September 2018, for the "Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for the erection of a part-four and part five-storey building plus basement to provide 34 residential units, two ground floor retail units (total floorspace 436 sqm) and provision of associated amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse storage." Amendments sought to the wording of Condition 16 to read: "Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted an Ultra Low Emission Strategy (ULES) for the operational phase of the development in order to mitigate the impact of air pollution shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Ultra Low Emission Strategy must detail the remedial action and mitigation measures that will be implemented to protect receptors (e.g. design solutions). This Strategy must make a commitment to implement the mitigation measures that are required to reduce the exposure of poor air quality and to help mitigate the development's air pollution impacts, in particular the emissions of NOx and particulates from on-road vehicle transport by the use of Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) compliant Vehicles in accordance with the emissions hierarchy (1) Cargo bike (2) Electric Vehicle, (3) Hybrid (non-plug in) Electric Vehicle (HEV), (4) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), (5) Alternative Fuel e.g. CNG, LPG. A monitoring report of the implementation of the ULES shall be submitted on annual basis to the LPA. Approved details shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation/use of the development and thereafter permanently retained and maintained."

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Development Residential Shop
2020/00993/VAR | Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline

182 - 184 Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2UF

Variation of wording of condition 13 of planning permission ref: 2017/03550/VAR granted 30th October 2017 for the 'Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: 2015/05786/FUL granted 24th March 2016 for the "Change of use of part of the basement and ground floor level from restaurant (Class A3) into 2 x two bedroom self-contained flats (Class C3); partial demolition of rear part of the basement and ground floor level in connection with the creation of new lightwells at basement level, and installation of new window openings at ground floor level" to allow amendments to the approved drawings to include the installation of rear entrance doors to Flats 1 and 2 with associated alterations to fenestration at basement and ground floor level and external staircase' to read as follows: "The basement floorspace shall not exceed the dimensions hereby approved. There shall be no further sub-division of the restaurant other than that covered by this permission which demonstrates that the basement and the ground floor of the restaurant will operate in conjunction with each other. The self-contained maisonettes will be retained as basement and ground floor flats, the residential basement accommodation shall not be occupied as a self-contained flat that is separate from the ground floor residential use. The whole development shall be carried out in full accordance with the internal layout shown on the plans hereby permitted and shall be retained as such thereafter."(description amended)

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Outline planning consent (Vary or Delete Conditions Full/Outline)
Approved (Application Approved)
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Variation Development Windows Residential Flat Accommodation
2020/01309/OBS | Observations to Other Borough

45 - 53 Putney High Street London SW15 1SR

Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved drawings) pursuant to planning permission dated 29/07/2019 ref 2017/1874 (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development in buildings ranging in height between 2 and 10 storeys plus basement, to provide 1158 sq.m. of retail use (Class A1), 64 sq.m. of cafe/restaurant use (Class A3), 1519 sq.m. of office use (Class B1), and 146 sq.m. of community floorspace (Class D1) use, together with 123 residential units of private and affordable tenure, comprising 115 flats and 8 mews houses, with 27 associated parking spaces (21 residential and 6 commercial) with access from Putney Bridge Road, cycle parking spaces, associated amenity space including balconies, terraces and first floor publicly accessible courtyard amenity area; landscaping and other associated works.) to allow a revised location for car lift, fire escape stairs and UKPN substations; increase in height to the central public square and first floor level of the main building; reconfiguration of retail units fronting Putney Bridge Road and relocation of residential entrance courtyard stair and public square access; minor adjustment to footprint of main building, and alterations to the location of NE and NW cores; alterations to flat layouts; revision to plan as part of revised energy strategy and associated elevational changes.

Local Authority
Hammersmith & Fulham
Other (Observations to Other Borough)
Approved (No Objection to Proposal (OBS only))
Application Validated
Alteration Demolition Variation Development Landscaping Residential Flat Office Shop