Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils Planning Applications

Found 6 planning applications

La Torre Boxley Road Walderslade Kent ME5 9JE

Conversion of existing 3no. flats to a single residential dwelling, including erection of 2no. rear and 1no. front dormers, and erection of 1no. detached dwelling with associated parking.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Full planning consent (Full)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Conversion Dwelling Residential Flat
23/503099/P20ZA | Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA

Northern Barn Building Digswell Lower Hartlip Road Hartlip Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7SX

Prior notification for the demolition of the existing building and erection of a building containing 2no. flats, and the operations proposed under paragraph ZA(3) (a) to (j) - Operations reasonably necessary for demolition and construction, removal of plant servicing, disconnection of services, removal of means of access/ egress, removal of storage and waste, installation of plant and installation of services to the new building, access to and egress from the new building, including means of escape from fire, storage, waste or other ancillary facilities to support the new building, the use of scaffolding and other temporary structures. For its prior approval to: Transport and highways impacts of the development. Contamination risks in relation to the new building. Flooding risks in relation to the new building. Design of the new building. External appearance of the new building. Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of each new dwellinghouse, in or comprising the new building. Impact of the development on the amenity of the new building and of neighbouring, premises, including overlooking, privacy and light. Impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwellinghouses. The impact on business and new residents of the development's introduction of, or increase in, residential use in the area in which the development is to take place. The impact of the development on heritage and archaeology. The method of demolition of the old building. The plans for landscaping of the development, including the planting and maintenance of shrubs and trees. Air traffic and defence asset impacts of the development.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Prior approval (Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA)
Approved (Prior Approval Granted)
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Construction Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Trees Flat Prior-Notification

181 London Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1PA

Conversion of the existing redundant shop and residential dwelling to 3no. residential flats and internal alterations.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Full planning consent (Full)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Alteration Conversion Dwelling Residential Flat Shop
19/500769/EIOUT | EIA Outline Application

Land South West Of London Road And West Of Castor Park Beaver Road Allington Maidstone Kent ME16 0XU

Outline application for a residential development 106 units comprising a mix of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom dwellings (including bungalows, houses and apartments), associated access and infrastructure (Access being sought).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Outline planning consent (EIA Outline Application)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Development Dwelling Residential Flat Bungalow

1 Rocky Hill Terrace Terrace Road Maidstone Kent ME16 8HT

Change of use from 42 bedsit flats occupied by the elderly and warden flat to 35 residential dwellings, comprising 15 studio apartments, 6 one bedroom and 14 two bedroom apartments including refurbishment of the existing building with external and internal alterations. Conversion of existing garden pavillion to cycle storage.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Full planning consent (Full)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Conversion Dwelling Residential Flat
20/505978/P20ZA | Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA

Unit 1 And 2 The Homestead Gravelly Bottom Road Kingswood Kent ME17 3NU

Prior Notification for the demolition of existing light industrial/commercial building and erection of a three storey block of 24no. flats, and the operations proposed under paragraph ZA(3) (a) to (j) (see Agents emailed dated 06.01.2021). For it's prior approval to: Transport and highways impacts of the development - Contamination risks in relation to the new building - Flooding risks in relation to the new building - The design of the new building - The external appearance of the new building - The provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of each new dwellinghouse in or comprising the new building - The impact of the development on the amenity of the new building and of neighbouring premises, including overlooking, privacy and light - Impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwellinghouses - The impact on business and new residents of the developments introduction of, or increase in residential use in the area in which the development is to take place -The impact of the development on heritage and archaeology - The method of demolition of the old building - The plans for landscaping of the development, including the planting and maintenance of shrubs and trees, and any - Air traffic and defence asset impacts of the development.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Prior approval (Prior Notification Part 20 Class ZA)
Refused (Prior Approval Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Trees Flat Industrial Prior-Notification