Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils Planning Applications

Found 54 planning applications

22/504937/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land At Wises Lane Borden Kent ME10 1GD

Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Phase 1B, 2A, 2B and 2C for the erection of 209no. dwellings including affordable, together with associated access, landscaping, equipped play, drainage, infrastructure and earthworks, pursuant to 17/505711/HYBRID - Hybrid planning application with outline planning permission (all matters reserved except for access) sought for up to 595 dwellings including affordable housing; a two-form entry primary school with associated outdoor space and vehicle parking; local facilities comprising a Class A1 retail store of up to 480 sq m GIA and up to 560sqm GIA of "flexible use" floorspace that can be used for one or more of the following uses - A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes), D1 (non-residential institutions); a rugby clubhouse / community building of up to 375 sq m GIA, three standard RFU sports pitches and associated vehicle parking; a link road between Borden Lane and Chestnut Street / A249; allotments; and formal and informal open space incorporating SuDS, new planting / landscaping and ecological enhancement works. Full planning permission is sought for the erection of 80 dwellings including affordable housing, open space, associated access / roads, vehicle parking, associated services, infrastructure, landscaping and associated SuDS.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Residential Shop
23/503574/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Adjacent To West View Maidstone Road Staplehurst Tonbridge Kent TN12 0RE

Approval of Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping and Scale being sought) for the erection of 4no. detached dwellings pursuant to outline permmission 21/504975/OUT allowed on appeal together with discharge of conditions 7 (Reptile and Great Crested Newt mitigation strategy) and 8 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan) attached to the appeal decision.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Discharge
23/501167/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Site A Land At Preston Fields Salters Lane Faversham Kent ME13 8YD

Approval of reserved matters (scale, design, layout and landscaping being sought) for the erection of 231 dwellings (houses and apartments, C3 Use Class) with landscaping, associated highway works, including car parking and open space, pursuant to 16/508602/OUT for - Outline application for erection of up to 250 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Flat
23/502550/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

33 Canterbury Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4JA

Approval of Reserved Matters (landscaping sought) for the erection of a 3-storey building comprising 3no. 1-bedroom 1-person apartments with associated cycle storage, refuse storage, and garden amenity space, pursuant to 21/504789/OUT.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Landscaping Flat
22/501843/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Phase 6 Land South Of Sutton Road Langley Kent

Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for Phase 6 of outline planning permission 15/509015/OUT for the erection of 79 dwellings and associated landscaping and highway works alongside the northern section of the eastern public open space.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping
23/502118/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Former Syngenta Works Hampstead Lane Yalding Kent ME18 6HJ

Approval of Reserved Matters (scale, layout, appearance and landscaping sought) for Phase B of the development, comprising erection of 20no. commercial units with associated parking, access and landscaping, pursuant to 19/504910/OUT - Outline application for the redevelopment of the former syngenta works site to provide a new business park of up to 46,447 sqm of B1(c), B2 and B8 accommodation with associated access, parking and infrastructure works. (Access only being sought).

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Development Landscaping Accommodation
23/502069/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land On The North Side Of Kent View Drive Eastchurch Kent ME12 4DP

Approval of Reserved Matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and details of Conditions 1 (Layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping), 4 (Landscaping and arboricultural details), 6 (Construction Method Statement), 7 (Energy efficiency), 8 (External finishing materials), 9 (Biodiversity enhancements) and 10 (Lighting) pursuant to 22/504722/OUT - Outline application (All matters Reserved) for the erection of 2no. three bedroom bungalows, each with single garage and associated driveway and landscaping.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Construction Landscaping Bungalow Garage
22/504823/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land At Wises Lane Borden Kent ME10 1GD

Approval of Reserved Matters (Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping being sought) for the western spine road (Phases 2B & 2C) pursuant to 17/505711/HYBRID - Hybrid planning application with outline planning permission (all matters reserved except for access) sought for up to 595 dwellings including affordable housing; a two-form entry primary school with associated outdoor space and vehicle parking; local facilities comprising a Class A1 retail store of up to 480 sq m GIA and up to 560sqm GIA of "flexible use" floorspace that can be used for one or more of the following uses - A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes), D1 (non-residential institutions); a rugby clubhouse / community building of up to 375 sq m GIA, three standard RFU sports pitches and associated vehicle parking; a link road between Borden Lane and Chestnut Street / A249; allotments; and formal and informal open space incorporating SuDS, new planting / landscaping and ecological enhancement works. Full planning permission is sought for the erection of 80 dwellings including affordable housing, open space, associated access / roads, vehicle parking, associated services, infrastructure, landscaping and associated SuDS.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Residential Shop
23/502724/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

6 Nursery Close Headcorn Kent TN27 9GF

Approval of Reserved Matters of appearance and scale in relation to individual phase 6 pursuant to application 21/504050/OUT - Outline Application with access, landscaping and layout matters sought for erection of 12 detached, two-storey dwellings to be developed as self-build or custom-built homes by individual owners. (Matters of appearance and scale are reserved for future considerations). Discharge of conditions: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 32.

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Erection Dwelling Landscaping Discharge
23/502590/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

2 - 6 Brunswick Street Maidstone Kent ME15 6NP

Section 73 - Application for minor material amendment to approved plans condition 2, to allow changes to landscaping at ground level, and addition of rooftop garden, pursuant to 22/504013/REM [Approval of reserved matters of landscaping pursuant to 22/500464/OUT (Section 73: Application for minor material amendment to condition 4, to allow increase in length and height of building, including alterations to fenestration and internal layout), pursuant to 18/503485/OUT (Outline application for erection of 4-storey building comprising 8(no) 1-bedroom flats with access, layout, scale and appearance to be determined and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) that was allowed at appeal].

Local Authority
Maidstone & Swale Borough Councils
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Amendment Landscaping Windows Flat