Newark & Sherwood District Council Planning Applications

Found 6 planning applications

23/01823/S73M | Section 73 Major Application

Land North Of Halloughton Southwell

Variation of Condition 6 (approved plans), Condition 8 (Detailed Landscape Planting), Condition 10 (Arboricultural Method Statement), Condition 15 (Great Crested Newt Method Statement), Condition 16 (Tree and Hedgerow Retention Scheme), Condition 19 (Construction Access) and removal of Condition 21 (Written Scheme of Investigation) attached to planning permission 22/01858/S73M Variation of condition 6 attached to the appeal decision for planning application 20/01242/FULM to amend the approved plans (Grid Connection A)

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 Major Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Construction Landscaping Trees
23/01824/S73M | Section 73 Major Application

Land North Of Halloughton Southwell

Variation of Condition 6 (approved plans), Condition 8 (Detailed Landscape Planting), Condition 10 (Arboricultural Method Statement), Condition 15 (Great Crested Newt Method Statement), Condition 16 (Tree and Hedgerow Retention Scheme), Condition 19 (Construction Access) and removal of Condition 21 (Written Scheme of Investigation) attached to planning permission 22/01858/S73M Variation of condition 6 attached to the appeal decision for planning application 20/01242/FULM to amend the approved plans (Grid Connection B)

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 Major Application)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Construction Landscaping Trees
21/02529/S73 | Section 73 Application

148 High Street Collingham NG23 7NH

Application to vary condition 2 attached to planning permission 20/01928/S73 to amend the approved plans and discharge conditions 3 (Materials), 15 (Historic Building Recording), 16 (Methodology of Repair) & 25 (Tree Protection Scheme)

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 Application)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Discharge Trees
22/02164/S73M | Section 73 Major Applications

Land Off Brunel Drive Newark On Trent

Application for variation of conditions 2 (Drawings), 4 (Contamination), 5 (Lighting Scheme), 6 (CEMP), 7 (Flood Risk), 8 (Tree & Hedgerow Protection), 10 (Landscaping), 12 (Cycle Parking), 13 (Sustainability Measures), 16 (Landscape & Ecological Management) and 17 (Air Quality) to amend the approved scheme to create one single warehouse as attached to planning permission 21/02408/FULM (22/01514/NMA); Erection of building floorspace for use within Class B8 (storage and distribution) along with access and servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping, attenuation pond, and associated works.

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Section 73 Major Applications)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Landscaping Trees
22/00578/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Former Thoresby Colliery Ollerton Road Edwinstowe

Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 16/02173/OUTM to amend the generic planning conditions relating to colliery spoil heaps and align them to the enhanced restoration planning consent with the AES-LTD Thoresby Vale and Country Park Habitat Creation and Management Plan, whilst not compromising the stability of the slopes by the rapid removal of non native species which bind the surface of the former colliery tip. To amended Restoration Proposals for the woodland planting mix with an average density of 1100nr plants/hectare. To create wood pasture, woodland and native tree planting in open space as shown on the illustrative landscape and ecology masterplan Drawing No. LDP-20-P102 1501D, 22.10.21 (updated from drg no.ems.2709_10C referred to in condition 14.) It is recommended that the tree planting density should be amended to 25 to 400 per hectare (spacing of 5-20m). This will allow the trees to grow wide crowns with high photosynthetic capacity. Toamend the tree species mix specified within the original restoration planning. The works to remove non-native species commenced in 2020; It is recommended that selective removal of the majority of non-native species within early mature woodlands growing on the sides of the former colliery waste heap will continue to be removed throughout the aftercare period (5 year aftercare period for each phase and a further 5 year period after that) to open up woodland glades and to promote more natural oak and birch woodland as set out in the Thoresby Vale and Country Park Habitat Creation and Management Plan.

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Refused (Application Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Landscaping Trees
21/00636/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Land At New Lane Blidworth

Application for non-material amendment to allow inspection of trees on site by qualified Ecologist and report submitted for prior approval in relation to planning permission 20/00475/FULM; Residential development of 81no 2, 3 and 4 bed dwellings and ancillary works

Local Authority
Newark & Sherwood District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Amendment Development Dwelling Residential Trees