North Somerset Council Planning Applications

Found 5 planning applications

22/P/0495/FUL | Full Application

The Barn Lower Strode Farm Lower Strode Winford BS40 8BN

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans), condition 3 (Bat roost elevation, bat mitigation and block plan) and condition 6 (Bat Roost building) of permission 21/P/1411/MMA (Minor material amendment to planning permission 19/P/3096/FUL (Conversion of agricultural barn to 1no. dwelling) to allow for the addition of a dormer to rear (north west) elevation and the installation of an Air Source Heat Pump outdoor unit) to vary the details of the bat roost mitigation strategies

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Conversion Dwelling Agricultural Dormer
21/P/1602/MMA | Minor material amendment

Cowshed Glen Farm Sandy Lane Lower Failand

Minor material amendment to vary condition 2 (approved plans), of permission 20/P/0684/FUL (Change of use of redundant agricultural building (cow shed) to residential use, demolition of existing agricultural building and construction of new bat house) to demolish a small section of the building to create a 1 metre gap between buildings, to revise fenestration and to allow the substitution of a revised Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Plan. Variation of condition 3 (Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Plan) to remove reference to the provision of specialist glass and condition 5 (External Lighting) to refer to the submitted lighting strategy and for the proposal to be implemented in accordance with the plans

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Minor material amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Agricultural Windows Residential House Shed
20/P/2798/FUL | Full Application

Land Off Hounsley Batch Winford

Variation of condition 3 of permission 15/P/1111/F (Erection of an agricultural building) to remove the requirement for the building to be removed in the event that the use of the land for agricultural purposes ceases)

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Agricultural
20/P/1348/MMA | Minor material amendment

Paddock 8 East Of Littlewood Lane Cleeve

Minor material amendment to planning permission 19/P/3071/FUL (change of use from Agricultural to non-commercial equestrian) to allow for a track of compacted hardcore to existing stable building and fencing to separate field into paddocks (variation to conditions 2 and 5)

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Minor material amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Amendment Agricultural Fence Stable
20/P/1011/FUL | Full Application

Land Opposite Churchill House Churchill Green Churchill

Variation of condition 2 of the approved plans under 14/P/0898/F (Change of use from agricultural land to holiday accommodation with erection of 2no chalets and associated parking and access relocated off Common Lane) for a revision of the site layout plan, the parking layout and repositioning of the waste and recycling store and bicycle storage.

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Agricultural Accommodation