North Somerset Council Planning Applications

Found 12 planning applications

20/P/0201/MMA | Minor material amendment

Land To The Rear Of 44-46 Upper Bristol Road Weston-super-Mare

Minor material amendment to planning permission 13/P/1909/F (erection of 6 dwellings comprising of 5 x 3 bed houses and 1 x 2 bed bungalow) to allow for retaining wall and railings to the front of terrace (upgraded from small wall), a stepped pedestrian footway to run along the side of the access road to the terrace, stepped access to plots 2,3 and 6 with level access to plots 1,4 and 5, window openings reconfigured to front elevation of terrace and front of bungalow, small section of render removed from front of bungalow and replaced with brickwork

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Minor material amendment)
Approved (Approve with legal agreement)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Amendment Dwelling Windows Bungalow
20/P/1299/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Leigh Warren Bungalow Abbots Leigh Road Abbots Leigh Bristol BS8 3QD

Non-material amendment to application 19/P/0734/FUL ('Demolition of the bungalow and garage and erection of 2 no. four-bedroom dwellings and associated works') to allow for changes to windows on each elevation, changes to the position of the cladding and the addition of a porch to each dwelling.

Local Authority
North Somerset Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Approve)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Amendment Dwelling Windows Bungalow Garage