Oxford City Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

21/01743/VAR | Variation of condition

Rhodes House South Parks Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 3RG

Variation of conditions 2 (Approved plans), 5 (Deconstruction methodologies), 6 (External Samples), 9 (Structural engineering works) and 19 (Milner Hall Gallery) of listed building consent 20/00167/LBC (Demolition of Lodge buildings, garden works buildings, existing hard landscaping on Ramparts and internal elements. Refurbishment, alteration and extension of existing building, including external glazing over internal courtyards, insertion of ensuite bathrooms and lifts, and extension to existing basement to provide residential, teaching and office accommodation with associated structural works. Erection of replacement Lodges and single storey garden room. Creation of underground accommodation and sunken courtyard within the grounds (east) to provide additional residential ensuite bedrooms. Erection of a single storey glazed pavilion building (with new basement) within the grounds (west) to provide additional teaching and office accommodation. Erection of new gardeners outbuildings. New landscaping of garden and Ramparts; removal and re-instatement of boundary walls; removal and reinstatement of front ramps; and provision of cycle parking.) to allow the reduction in the extent of the basements, alterations to east wing layout, alterations to route of earth ducts, alterations to garden pavilion roof to curved form, reduction in demolition to basement areas, amended seating and lightwell landscaping around Giants Grave, relocation of lower foyer lift, alterations to pavilion internal layout to omit timber entrance, alterations to risers in the West Wing and relocation of smoke vents, amendments to lodge roof to improve interface with West Wing, internal layout of office amended and amendments to internal doors and screens. (Amended Plans) (Amended Description).

Local Authority
Oxford City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Roof Landscaping Residential Accommodation Office Boundary
20/01931/VAR | Variation of condition

St James Church School Beauchamp Lane Oxford OX4 3LF

Variation of conditions 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plns), 3 (Materials as approved), 4 (Roof glazing details), 11 (roof tiles) and 12 (Means of enclosure) of planning permission 19/00238/FUL (Change of use of the former St James School Building from Education Institution (Use Class D1) to Residential (Use Class C3). Erection of a single storey extension to north elevation. Formation of new vehicular access and car port, landscaping and all other associated works.) to allow retention of existing roof tiles, change to the finish of the zinc cladding to incorporate layers of zinc and stainless steel, the finish of the elevation of the new extension facing the footpath has been altered to natural stone to match the existing school, the boundary treatment to be a combination of hardy planting and metal railing and the design of the glazing for the roof.

Local Authority
Oxford City Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of condition)
Approved (Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Variation Roof Landscaping Residential Boundary