Southwark Council Planning Applications

Found 1,781 planning applications

23/AP/3088 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

62 Underhill Road London Southwark SE22 0QT

T1 11m Maple - Crown reduce in height by 4m to previous reduction points, tip back 2m lateral growth by 1m on all compass points Reasons: To control root and crown development

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
23/AP/3208 | Approval of Details

Garages Adjacent To Trevithick House, Rennie Estate, Galleywall Road London Southwark

Details of Condition 24 Contamination Land (Water Pollution) as required by planning permission 20/AP/0269 dated 15/03/2022 for construction of a twelve storey and five storey affordable residential development of 49 new units with associated parking, cycle parking, refuse stores, amenity space, and new landscaping to estate.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Withdrawn (Treated as Withdrawn by LPA)
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Development Landscaping Residential
23/AP/2595 | Approval of Details

Former Bellenden Primary School Reedham Street London Southwark SE15 4PF

Details of Condition 5 (Bird Nesting Boxes) pursuant to planning permission 22/AP/4161 granted on 03/04/2023 for: (Minor material amendment to planning permission 18/AP/1788 dated 29/08/2018 for 'Demolition of the existing school buildings and redevelopment of the site involving the erection of a new part-single, part-two storey SEN Primary School (special education needs) with associated MUGA, landscaping, mini-bus parking and vehicle drop off area with access from Costa Street and exit onto Reedham Street' for the following changes: - Amendment of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) to remove community changing facilities and access to MUGA, alter the footprint, layout, design and materials of the development, introduce roof terraces (increasing pupil numbers from 48 to 56) - Measures support Southwark's policy - to achieve net zero carbon - Removal of Condition 8 (Biodiversity roof), Condition 12 (Community Use Scheme) and Condition 13 (Obscure Glazing) - Amendment of Condition 14 (Roof Use) as terraces are proposed).

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Amendment Roof Development Landscaping
22/AP/4295 | Approval of Details

Lavington House 25 Lavington Street London Southwark SE1 0NA

Details of Condition 15 (Detailed drawings) as required by planning permission ref: 20/AP/1009 for 'Redevelopment of the site including partial demolition of existing buildings and erection of two buildings including basement and above ground development of 10 and 15 storeys (in addition to plant) to provide office use (Class B1), retail use (Class A1), flexible retail and leisure (A1/A3, A3/A4, D2/A3/A4), landscaping, public realm, highway works, disabled car parking, cycle parking, plant and associated works'.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Landscaping Office Shop
23/AP/2897 | Certificate of Lawful Dev. - Proposed

Thalia Court 137 Rye Lane London Southwark SE15 4UN

Certificate of Lawful Development (Proposed) for replacement of existing combustible materials contained within external walls with non-combustible materials to match existing in appearance.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) (Certificate of Lawful Dev. - Proposed)
Approved (Certificate of Lawfulness Prop- GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Lawful-Development
23/AP/2213 | Compliance with S106 obligation

The Heygate Estate And Surrounding Land Bound By New Kent Road To The North, Rodney Place And Rodney Road To The East, Wansey Street To The South And Walworth Road And Elephant Road To The West

Discharge of S106 Obligation: 'Community Space Contribution Calculation' set out in Schedule 3, Paragraph 25.14 - 25.15 of the S106 agreement ref. LEG/RP/PL/S106/NB/63375 associated with planning permission ref. 12/AP/1092: Outline application for: Redevelopment to provide a mixed use development comprising a number of buildings ranging between 13.13m (AOD) and 104.8m (AOD) in height with capacity for between 2,300 (min) and 2,469 (max) residential units together with retail (Class A1-A5), business (Class B1), leisure and community (Class D2 and D1), energy centre (sui generis) uses. New landscaping, park and public realm, car parking, means of access and other associated works. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement submitted pursuant to the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) 2011.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Compliance with S106 obligation)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Landscaping Residential Discharge Shop
23/AP/2866 | Approval of Details

Capital House 42-46 Weston Street London Southwark SE1 3QD

Details of condition 43 'Archaeological site works' pursuant to planning permission ref. 18/AP/0900: Redevelopment of the site to include the demolition of Capital House 42-46 Weston Street SE1 with the erection of a 39-storey building (3 basement levels and ground with mezzanine and 38 storeys) of a maximum height of 137.9m (AOD) to provide up to 905 student accommodation units (Sui Generis use), flexible retail/café/office floorspace (Class A1/A3/B1), cycle parking, servicing, refuse and plant areas, public realm improvements and other associated works incidental to the development. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement submitted pursuant to the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Development Accommodation Office Shop House
23/AP/0880 | Compliance with S106 obligation

272 St Jamess Road London Southwark SE1 5JX

Discharge of Part 2.2 of Schedule 5 of the Unilateral Undertaking in relation to LPA Ref. 18/AP/0156 the Developer covenants Not to Occupy the Development until the Public Realm has been completed Public Realm Specification approved by the Council pursuant to paragraph 2.1 above and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council. The Public Realm Specification was approved by the Council with the obligation pursuant to part 2.1

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Compliance with S106 obligation)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Discharge
23/AP/2963 | Approval of Details

133 Park Street And 105 Sumner Street London SE1 9EA And SE1 9HZ Southwark

Details of Condition 15 'Green/Brown Roofs' as required by planning permission ref. 16/AP/4569: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide two Class B1 office buildings of nine storeys and ten storeys plus plant (41m AOD on Sumner Street and 42.85m AOD on Park Street). The development will include the creation of a new basement; new public realm; provision of a retail (Class A1/A3/A5) kiosk; hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Demolition Development Landscaping Office Shop
23/AP/3204 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

Former Car Pound Warehouse 25 Mandela Way London Southwark SE1 5SS

T3 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. T4 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. G2 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. Southern most tree in G2 (Sycamore) remove the lowest branch overhanging internal wall. T6 (Silver maple): Remove lowest branch overhanging internal wall. As shown in photo 2. T7 (Silver maple): Remove lowest branch overhanging internal wall (previously reduced). As shown in photo 3. Remove overlong lateral branch overhanging site. As shown in photo 4. To provide adequate working room and clearance from approved development. T8 (Sycamore): remove 6 small branches (regrowth from previous pruning point. As shown in photo 5. T10 (Tree of Heaven): Remove lowest secondary branch with. As shown in photo 6. Remove overlong lateral branch overhanging site. To provide adequate working room and clearance from approved development. As shown in photo 7. T10 & T11 (Tree of Heaven): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. This is to provide adequate working room and clearance from the approved development.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees