Southwark Council Planning Applications

Found 161 planning applications

23/AP/2049 | S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations

Bankside Hotel 2 Blackfriars Road London Southwark SE1 9JU

Minor material amendment to planning permission ref. 12/AP/1784 (approved 14.12.2012) for "Application made under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 for the erection of three buildings (a 50 storey tower plus basement levels to a maximum height 170m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD), a 6 storey building - 'The Rennie Street Building', and a 4 storey building - 'The Podium Building') which together provide a mixed use development totalling 74,905sqm gross external area comprising: 11,267sqm of Class C1 use (hotel); 52,674sqm of Class C3 use (up to 274 flats); 1,316sqm of retail uses (Class A1 to A5); and 9,648sqm of basement, ancillary plant, servicing and car parking with associated public open space and landscaping." Amendment sought: Variation of Condition 21 'Service and Delivery Activity' to amend the wording of the condition relating to delivery hours and practice at Unit 23 (occupied by Gail's bakery).

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Landscaping Flat Shop
23/AP/2830 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

Aylesbury Estate Land Bounded By Albany Road Portland Street Westmoreland Road And Bradenham Close London SE17

Non material amendment of planning permission ref. 22/AP/1063 dated 17/04/2023 for 'Variation to Condition 2 (Approved Plans) and Condition 43 (Quantum of Development) of planning permission 17/AP/3885. Minor amendments to sub plots 3 and 4 to include the provision of an additional 60 new homes, provision of non-residential floorspace at ground level (Class E), revisions to tenure and unit mix, alterations to height and massing to increase total height of sub plot 3 to part 3/part 4/part 7 storeys and sub plot 4 to 23 storeys, internal reconfigurations, elevational alterations and material changes, revisions to landscaping, amenity, play space, car parking, and cycle storage. The application is supported by an Addendum to the Environmental Statement (ES) in line with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations'. The amendment seeks the following: to amend the wording of condition 17 which relates to Secure by Design.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Amendment Development Landscaping Residential
23/AP/2530 | Approval of Details

1 Bank End (Site Including Railway Arches And Thames House Bounded By Stoney Street Clink Street And Park Street) SE1.

Details of Condition 21 'kitchen extract systems' for Unit 103 only of planning permission ref. 19/AP/1649 (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 15/AP/3066 for 'Redevelopment of 1 Bank End, including reuse of railway arches and rebuilding and extension of the rear of Thames House, Park Street (behind retained facade); remodelling of Wine Wharf building on Stoney Street and development of a two storey building at 16 Park Street, all to provide a development reaching a maximum height of 6 storeys (maximum building height 27.419m AOD) comprising retail units (flexible class A1 shops, A3 cafes/restaurants and A4 drinking establishments use) at ground and first floor levels, a gallery (Class D1 use) at ground floor level, office floorspace (Class B1 use) at ground up to fifth floor level, a cinema (Class D2 use) at ground floor and basement level, associated cycle parking spaces at basement, associated refuse and recycling with new public access routes and public open space' to make minor-material amendments including: Alterations to internal retail layouts dictated by an updated Fire Strategy, Alterations to the west elevation of Building 02, Alterations to the east elevation of Building 02 dictated by change of first floor use; and Alterations to elevations of Building 04).

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Withdrawn (Application Withdrawn)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Variation Development Office Shop House Remodelling
23/AP/1754 | Approval of Details

Aylesbury Estate Land Bounded By Albany Road Portland Street Westmoreland Road And Bradenham Close London SE17

Details of Condition 55 - Circular Economy Statement - as required by planning application ref. 22/AP/1063 dated 17/04/2023 for Variation to Condition 2 (Approved Plans) and Condition 43 (Quantum of Development) of planning permission 17/AP/3885. Minor amendments to sub plots 3 and 4 to include the provision of an additional 60 new homes, provision of non-residential floorspace at ground level (Class E), revisions to tenure and unit mix, alterations to height and massing to increase total height of sub plot 3 to part 3/part 4/part 7 storeys and sub plot 4 to 23 storeys, internal reconfigurations, elevational alterations and material changes, revisions to landscaping, amenity, play space, car parking, and cycle storage.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Development Landscaping Residential
23/AP/1364 | Approval of Details

Aylesbury Estate Land Bounded By Albany Road Portland Street Westmoreland Road And Bradenham Close London SE17

Details of Condition 53 (Energy infrastructure works) pursuant to planning permission ref. 22/AP/1063 - Variation to Condition 2 (Approved Plans) and Condition 43 (Quantum of Development) of planning permission 17/AP/3885. Minor amendments to sub plots 3 and 4 to include the provision of an additional 60 new homes, provision of non-residential floorspace at ground level (Class E), revisions to tenure and unit mix, alterations to height and massing to increase total height of sub plot 3 to part 3/part 4/part 7 storeys and sub plot 4 to 23 storeys, internal reconfigurations, elevational alterations and material changes, revisions to landscaping, amenity, play space, car parking, and cycle storage. The application is supported by an Addendum to the Environmental Statement (ES) in line with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Approved (AOD - Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Variation Development Landscaping Residential
23/AP/1942 | Approval of Details

6 Avonmouth Street London Southwark SE1 6NX

Details of Condition 10 'Archaeological Mitigation Works' pursuant to planning permission planning permission ref. 23/AP/0958 for: Variation of Conditions 2, 27 and 32 of Appeal decision ref. APP/A5840/W/22/3303205 (planning application ref: 21/AP/4297) (Demolition of existing building and structures and erection of a part 2, part 7, part 14, and part 16 storey plus basement development comprising 1,733sqm (GIA) of space for Class E employment use and/or community health hub and/or Class F1(a) education use and purpose-built student residential rooms with associated amenity space and public realm works, car and cycle parking, and ancillary infrastructure). Minor material amendment sought: Amendment to approved plans and rewording of conditions.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential
23/AP/1885 | Approval of Details

Avonmouth House 6 Avonmouth Street London Southwark SE1 6NX

Submission of details for partial discharge of Condition 11 (part a)1) only) for 'Public Engagement Programme' for archaeology pursuant to planning permission ref. 23/AP/0958 for: Variation of Conditions 2, 27 and 32 of Appeal decision ref. APP/A5840/W/22/3303205 (planning application ref: 21/AP/4297) (Demolition of existing building and structures and erection of a part 2, part 7, part 14, and part 16 storey plus basement development comprising 1,733sqm (GIA) of space for Class E employment use and/or community health hub and/or Class F1(a) education use and purpose-built student residential rooms with associated amenity space and public realm works, car and cycle parking, and ancillary infrastructure). Minor material amendment sought: Amendment to approved plans and rewording of conditions.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential Discharge
23/AP/2344 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

6 Paris Gardens & 20-21 Hatfields London SE1 8DJ

Non-material amendment of planning permission dated 12.06.2017 ref. 17/AP/0684 for: "Variation of condition 12 (Service management plan) pursuant to planning permission 08/AP/2809 for: (Erection of a part 9, part 13 storey (maximum height approximately 41.3 metres above ground level) building plus basement levels to provide for a mixed use development comprising a ballet school (Class D1 use) and 162 units (253 bed spaces) of student accommodation (Class C1 use) including bicycle and refuse storage and communal open space.) Variation is to comply with the proposed variation of deed to allow student accommodation to be let to general public outside of term time." The non-material amendment comprises the rewording of the original description of development to remove student accommodation unit and bed space numbers and the addition of a new condition (20) to secure 163 units (253 bed spaces) of student accommodation as agreed through non-material amendment dated 09.01.2015 ref. 14/AP/1755. The amended description of development is: "Erection of a part 9, part 13 storey (maximum height approximately 41.3 metres above ground level) building plus basement levels to provide for a mixed use development comprising a ballet school (Class D1 use) and student accommodation (Class C1 use) including bicycle and refuse storage and communal open space."

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Development Accommodation
23/AP/1922 | Approval of Details

Avonmouth House 6 Avonmouth Street London Southwark SE1 6NX

Details of Condition 9 - Evaluation Report as required by planning permision planning permission ref. 23/AP/0958 for: Variation of Conditions 2, 27 and 32 of Appeal decision ref. APP/A5840/W/22/3303205 (planning application ref: 21/AP/4297) (Demolition of existing building and structures and erection of a part 2, part 7, part 14, and part 16 storey plus basement development comprising 1,733sqm (GIA) of space for Class E employment use and/or community health hub and/or Class F1(a) education use and purpose-built student residential rooms with associated amenity space and public realm works, car and cycle parking, and ancillary infrastructure). Minor material amendment sought: Amendment to approved plans and rewording of conditions.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Development Residential
23/AP/1577 | Approval of Details

Avonmouth House 6 Avonmouth Street London Southwark SE1 6NX

Details of Condition 3 'Construction Environmental Mangagement Plan (CEMP) as required by planning permission ref. 23/AP/0958 for: Variation of Conditions 2, 27 and 32 of Appeal decision ref. APP/A5840/W/22/3303205 (planning application ref: 21/AP/4297) (Demolition of existing building and structures and erection of a part 2, part 7, part 14, and part 16 storey plus basement development comprising 1,733sqm (GIA) of space for Class E employment use and/or community health hub and/or Class F1(a) education use and purpose-built student residential rooms with associated amenity space and public realm works, car and cycle parking, and ancillary infrastructure). Minor material amendment sought: Amendment to approved plans and rewording of conditions.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Approval of Details)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Construction Development Residential