Southwark Council Planning Applications

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Found 6 planning applications

23/AP/3088 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

62 Underhill Road London Southwark SE22 0QT

T1 11m Maple - Crown reduce in height by 4m to previous reduction points, tip back 2m lateral growth by 1m on all compass points Reasons: To control root and crown development

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
23/AP/3204 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

Former Car Pound Warehouse 25 Mandela Way London Southwark SE1 5SS

T3 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. T4 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. G2 (Sycamore): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. Southern most tree in G2 (Sycamore) remove the lowest branch overhanging internal wall. T6 (Silver maple): Remove lowest branch overhanging internal wall. As shown in photo 2. T7 (Silver maple): Remove lowest branch overhanging internal wall (previously reduced). As shown in photo 3. Remove overlong lateral branch overhanging site. As shown in photo 4. To provide adequate working room and clearance from approved development. T8 (Sycamore): remove 6 small branches (regrowth from previous pruning point. As shown in photo 5. T10 (Tree of Heaven): Remove lowest secondary branch with. As shown in photo 6. Remove overlong lateral branch overhanging site. To provide adequate working room and clearance from approved development. As shown in photo 7. T10 & T11 (Tree of Heaven): Reduce canopy overhanging internal wall by up to 2m, pruning back to suitable secondary growth. This is to provide adequate working room and clearance from the approved development.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
23/AP/1516 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

The New Salvation Army Headquarters 1 Champion Park London Southwark SE5 8FA

Works to a TPO tree: Over-mature Cedar (TPO 86A - Tree Number 39) located within development site and identified locally as T5 is to be crown lifted to 2.5m over southern footpath and receive a maximum 1.5m lateral reduction to the lowest lateral extending over the southern footpath.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
22/AP/1934 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

19 Dulwich Wood Avenue London Southwark SE19 1HB

T1 Silver Birch reduction up to 2 metres (TPO449), reduction to suitable branch junctions and retaining form in keeping with BS3998.2010. Wherever practicable, pruning should be restricted to healthy, small-diameter parts of the tree, as this will minimize the size of the resultant wounds and provide the greatest opportunity for these to be occluded. Species of Betula, which generally have particularly weak defences against the development of decay, should be pruned as sparingly as possible and without exposing heartwood or ripewood. The above guidance for Betula should be observed for any other species or cultivars known to have similarly weak defences.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
21/AP/0827 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

1-12 Talbot Road And 31-43 Abbotswood Road East Dulwich London SE22 8EH & 8DJ

Tree works: T1 and T2: London Planes of 43 Abbotswood Road., East Dulwich, London. Reduction of 5 no. limbs to just above previous pollard points, retaining 'knuckles', as agreed with the LPA Tree Officer. In order to facilitate development of Plot 7 of planning permission 12/AP/2220, granted on appeal.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees
20/AP/1732 | Works to a Tree with a TPO

33 Casino Avenue London Southwark SE24 9PQ

Oak (T1) - To crown reduce all around by approximately 3m, reduction back to natural branch junctions or by drop-crotching to retain natural form, no thin proposed; in order to encourage the development of internal branch structure and to reduce impact on water demand whilst allowing for neighbouring garden owners peaceful enjoyment of their gardens.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Works to a Tree with a TPO)
Approved (Tree Works/TPO Consent - GRANTED)
Application Received
Application Validated
Development Trees