Southwark Council Planning Applications

Found 2 planning applications

21/AP/2539 | Variation: Non-Material Changes

Open Land Rear Of 1-51 Peckham High Road Bounded By Sumner Avenue And Melon Road, Open Land Adjacent To 59 Peckham High St And Sumner House London Southwark

Non Material amendment for planning application 20AP0433 dated 28/10/2020 for minor material amendment to planning permission 16/AP/4018 [Approval date: 15.11.2019] 'Redevelopment of the site to provide four buildings to deliver 168 residential dwellings (Class C3) and flexible retail floor space (247m2) of flexible A1/A3/A4; The works include the conversion and extension of Sumner House (Block A) from office use (Class B1-c to provide 44 no flats and 4 no townhouses and partial demolition of boundary wall; the erection of a part 4, part 6 storey block to provide 39 no flats on Sumner Avenue (Block B); part 4(Block B); a part four, part 6 storey building to provide 72 no flats on Jocelyn Street (Block C); and a four storey block providing 9 flats on Melon Road (Block D), with 247m2 of flexible A1/A3/A4 use at ground floor level together with car parking, hard and soft landscaping, and other associated works incidental to the development' consisting of: - One change to the design of Flaxyard Block B: - Switching the balcony/terrace balustrades from glass to solid panels; - Changes to the design of Flaxyard Block C, including: - Enlargement of building footprint on floors 04 to 05; - Small number of fenestration changes; - Reduction in size of the external cycle store, but with a separate supplementary store to now be provided; - Changes to the design of Flaxyard Block D, including: - Enlargement of building footprint on floors 01 to 03; - Reduction of floorspace of the commercial unit from 247m2 to 224.5m2; - External door changes; - Changes to landscaping and car parking arrangements. The amendment are for change of Energy Strategy from CHP to ASHPs with associated plant room and roof top plant Removal of 9 dwellings from M4(2b) classification in Condition 12

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (Variation: Non-Material Changes)
(Agreed - for App Types VLA & VNMC)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Erection Demolition Amendment Roof Conversion Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential Flat Office Shop Boundary House
20/AP/0434 | S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations

91 - 93 Peckham High Street London Southwark SE15 5RS

Minor material amendment to planning permission 16/AP/3075 [Approval date: 29.03.2019] 'Redevelopment comprising the removal of the Peckham Arch and redevelopment and part conversion of the southern part of the square (including 91-93 Peckham High Street) to provide a mixed use scheme comprised of two buildings of 4 and 6 storeys to provide 19 residential (Class C3) units, 255 sqm of gallery (Class D1) space, 201 sqm of co-work (Class B1) space, and 82 sqm of office (Class B1)/retail(Class A1) space with ancillary covered cycle storage and enclosed refuse storage' consisting of: - Changes to the design of Site/Block 1, including: - Reduction in the floor area of the consented gallery and associated facilities; - Reconfiguration of the residential core at ground floor level to incorporate a refuse store off Peckham High Street; - Addition of rooftop plant; - Alterations to the south, west and north elevations (fenestration, materials, parapet levels, rainwater goods etc.); - Transfer of sedum roof from roof of Level 02 to roof of Level 03; - Changes to the design of Site/Block 2, including: - Reduction in floor area of the co-working space; - Enlargement of building footprint; - Increase to the building's height; - Creation of separate bin store for co-working space; - Addition of rooftop plant; - Alterations to the west and north elevations (fenestration, materials, parapet levels, rainwater goods etc.); - Changes to landscaping and refuse strategy.

Local Authority
Southwark Council
Other (S.73 Vary/Remove Conds/Minor Alterations)
Approved (Variation Minor Material Changes Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Amendment Roof Conversion Landscaping Windows Residential Office Shop