Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Planning Applications

Found 12 planning applications

SMD/2019/0352 | Outline - MINOR apps

Ringe Hay Farm, Basford Green Road, Basford, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7ET

Outline application, including access (all other matters reserved), for the erection of an environmentally sustainable, zero-carbon eco-home built into the hillside; landscape and nature conservation enhancement and improvement of the entire holding; PV panels, electric car charging facilities; and the deposit and re-use of excavated material.

Local Authority
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Outline planning consent (Outline - MINOR apps)
Refused (Outline Application - Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Landscaping House
NMA/2020/0006 | Non Material Amendments

Grove Court, Kingsley Road, Cellarhead, Staffordshire, ST9 0FD

Non material amendement relating to SMD/2019/0393: 1) Differing window design to that originally approved (all plots) 2) gap between top of first floor windows and the eaves (all plots) 3) Provision of cill detailing where none shown on approved (all plots) 4) Larger first windows than approved (all plots) 5) Provision of tarmac driveways (all plots) 6) Removal of landscaping to front of property (plot 2) 7) Removal of hedgerow to boundary between Plots 2 & 3 and erection of fence 8) Removal of chimney (plot 4) 9) Removal of tre from front garden (plot 5)

Local Authority
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendments)
Approved (Non Material Amendment - Approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Landscaping Windows Boundary