Stockport Borough Council Planning Applications

Found 17 planning applications

DC/089717 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

19 Princes Road Heaton Moor Stockport SK4 3NQ

This application is to fell three large Cedar trees and one Magnolia in front garden of 19 Prince???s Road. These are identified as T1, T2, T3 and T5 respectively in the attached plan. Approval to fell these trees had been granted on 30th March 2021, reference DC/079759, but the Covid 19 pandemic created practical difficulties to get the work done and the consent has expired. The text of the earlier approved application is provided below. All the facts presented at that time remain valid. The conditions specified by SMBC in March 2021 are accepted, including the planting of two new cherry trees (6-8ft standards).. The trees continue to grow and as an example, T3 is now calculated to be 23.1m high and is 10.2m from the corner of the tree owner???s house. Copy of text from DC/079759: Cedars (T1, T2 & T3) - fell because all 3 are over 20m tall and within 10m of house. Very large heavy trees would do much damage if fell during high winds. Crowns raised approx. 5 years ago but significant loss of light in front rooms of house. Roots encroaching on house. Boundary wall displaced by 30cm by T1. Also dead branches fall on the pavement and road. Garden will be professionally redesigned and include a selection of specimen trees including Acer, Magnolia and English broadleaf such as Hornbeam. Magnolia (T5) - fell because too close to house, loss of light, and leaning badly due to overshadowing by T1. HAR/CA21.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/089150 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

28 Parsonage Road Heaton Moor Stockport SK4 4JR

Wild Cherry tree growing along the boundary between number 26 and 28 Parsonage Road Heaton Moor. Both property owners wish to apply for planning approval for removal of this tree only. There are two reasons the homeowners are seeking planning permission. One is loss of light and the second affects house number 28 only. Roots are allegedly causing damage to the home owners lawn. HAR/CA15, TPO 19N.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Refused (Refuse)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/089013 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

6 Cedar Grove Heaton Moor Stockport SK4 4RN

The tree lies within the garden of a house that lies perpendicular to my home. The tree is at their side of the fence edge to my garden. The branches are hanging over my back garden and are nearly touching the roof. The previous owners maintained the tree and removed over hanging branches. This was around 25 years ago. More recently as the problem has increased I have approached the owners who have refused to take any action. It has now become a serious cause for concern. It blocks all my natural light and prevents the natural enjoyment of the garden. I would like to take action to remove the offending branches and trim back to the boundary. I will pay for the work and will be using a qualified and experienced arborist. I believe its a sycamore tree. I have looked at the tpo map and there is no tree listed as being where the tree is on the tpo map, directly facing the back of my house No 6. HAR/CA15.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Roof Trees Fence Boundary House
DC/087600 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

Old Wood Ladybrook Road Bramhall Stockport SK7 3NB

Removal of large Conifer. Property outlined in red on attached 1:125 plan. Tree identified on 1:5 plan. Is approx 35ft high, on a lawn bank at the front of the house, just inside south west boundary hedge. Has outgrown its location in the 25 years we have lived there. It has lost some lower branches and is ugly and brown. The roots are protruding through the lawn in places and are a trip hazard. The lawn surrounding the tree is dying back as dead material from tree drops on it. The tree is also growing into another tree in garden next door and into the telegraph wires above. Neighbours would be pleased to see the tree removed, and replaced with a more attractive, smaller evergreen. HAR/CA29, TPO 77W

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/087376 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

11 Cleveland Road Heaton Moor Stockport SK4 4BS

Three sycamore trees to crown lift by approx 5 meters. Reasons to bring lower limbs off the gardens and let more light into garden. The 3 sycamore trees are on the boundary of 11 Cleveland Rd and 9 Cleveland Rd. The house that backs onto 11 Cleveland Road: 8 Princes Rd Heaton Moor Stockport SK4 3NQ HAR/CA21.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/086620 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

Hilltop Farm Hill Top Avenue Cheadle Hulme Stockport SK8 7HN

Please note that an identical application was submitted in 2020 and approved, to be completed within 2 years by October 2022. Works were delayed due to covid and so we require a new approval to undertake the works in 2023. Thanks. Tree B - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearby property. To be replaced by a more controlled leylandii tree, or similar to retain environment and privacy. Tree C - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearby property. To be replaced by a more controlled leylandii tree, or similar to retain environment and privacy. Tree D - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearby property. To be replaced by a more controlled leylandii tree, or similar to retain environment and privacy. Tree E - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearby property. This tree is causing particularly significant damage to the patio area and is a threat to the house itself. To be replaced by a more controlled leylandii tree, or similar to retain environment and privacy. Tree F - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearby property. This tree is causing particularly significant damage to the patio area and is a threat to the house itself. To be replaced by a more controlled leylandii tree, or similar to retain environment and privacy. Tree G - Leylandii - proposed to fell. This is part of a series of trees situated alongside the boundary wall and causing damage to the wall itself or nearb... TPO 96W, HAR/CA26.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/086555 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

63 Hill Top Avenue Cheadle Hulme Cheadle Stockport SK8 7HZ

T1 - Malus - front of house Reduce the large limb on the property side of the tree by approximately 40% and reduce the rest of the top of the tree to approximately 0.5 of a metre above the level of the guttering. Prune lateral branches to narrow the tree overall. T2 - Norway Maple - rear left hand boundary - Low right hand limb, remove the upright fork back to the main limb to thin the right hand portion of the tree. T3 - Oak - rear boundary of the property - Remove the epicormic growth off the structural limbs at the rear of the tree. Reduce any upper limbs (which may be growing over the rear boundary) back to the boundary. Undertake non invasive visual inspection of the upper limbs of the tree. Retain low limbs on the property side of the tree.

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/086404 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

27 Tatton Road North Heaton Moor Stockport Stockport SK4 4QX

There is one tree in this application. It is a Silver Birch in the rear garden of 27 Tatton Road North. It is roughly 3 metres from the boundary fences of 3 neighbouring properties. The tree is thought to be over 60 years old and approximately 12 metres in height with branches that are not accessible to a layman. An arborist has been retained and has given the opinion that the tree should have approximately 3 metres of reduction across the canopy to make it more manageable and protect telephone wires running through the branches to the house next door. HAR/CA15

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Fence Boundary House
DC/085494 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

36B Devonshire Park Road Davenport Stockport SK2 6JW

Formatively prune greengage to improve form and yeald - see pics. Birch - formatively prune, remove crossing branches - see pics Conifer removal to stump level as starting to visibly push boundary wall and has multi stem v type unions. Home owner worried about the implications of allowing the tree to push the wall over with regards to liability therefore has asked for removal,?? which I support in this instance. HAR/CA9, TPO#: A8 - 60E, TPO#: T47 - 60E

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House
DC/084936 | Tree Works In A Conservation Area

Stockport Cricket Club 75 Beech Road Cale Green Stockport SK3 8HD

At the end of my 20ft long garden, there are two large horse chesnut trees located just over the rear boundary wall of the property. These are located on the Stockport Cricket Club Conservation Area. The trees have grown considerably and this has resulted in excessive shading to the property. As a result, I am having to use increased electricity for lighting at the premises, especially due to occupants of the household currently working from home during the day. I am therefore requesting permission to have the trees pruned to retain the attractiveness and character of the trees via 'crown reduction.' I am proposing that the trees are reduced back to the previous pruning points i.e re-pollarded. HAR/CA36

Local Authority
Stockport Borough Council
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (Tree Works In A Conservation Area)
Approved (Granted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Trees Boundary House