Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Planning Applications

Found 4 planning applications

23/0784/VARY | Variation of a condition

Car Park Navigation Way Thornaby TS17 6QA

Section 73 to vary conditions no1 (Approved Plans), no2 (Flood Risk and Drainage Strategy), no3 (Construction and Environmental Management Plan), no4 (Flood Risk and Finished Floor Levels), no5 (Noise Impact Assessment) and no11 (Noise Verification) of planning approval 20/2804/REM - Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 117 new build houses consisting of 67 two bed houses, 44 three bed houses and 6 four bed houses.

Local Authority
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of a condition)
Approved (Approved with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Construction Landscaping
22/0477/VARY | Variation of a condition

Yarm School The Friarage The Spital Yarm TS15 9EJ

Section 73 application to vary condition no2 (approved plans), no4 (landscaping), no6 (ecological mitigation), no7 (Construction Management Plan), no12 (method statement), no13 (archaeological work), no18 (ground conditions) and no25 (contamination) of planning approval 17/2942/FUL - The erection of a footbridge (for school use only) across the River Tees and the formation of grass playing pitches with associated access

Local Authority
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of a condition)
Approved (Approved with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Construction Landscaping
21/2285/VARY | Variation of a condition

Egglescliffe School Urlay Nook Road Eaglescliffe Stockton-on-Tees TS16 0LA

Section 73 application to vary conditions no3 (Construction Management Plan (CMP)) and no8 (Construction/ Demolition Noise) of planning approval 21/1180/FUL - Erection of three storey classroom block, demolition of 6no classroom blocks and partial demolition and refurbishment of 1no classroom block. Relocation of existing all weather pitch, reconfiguration of existing playing fields, creation of new car parking spaces and associated external alterations.

Local Authority
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of a condition)
Refused (Refused)
Application Received
Application Validated
Alteration Erection Demolition Construction
21/1206/VARY | Variation of a condition

Man Truck And Bus Stockton Bowesfield Lane Stockton-On-Tees TS18 3HJ

Section 73 application to vary condition no2 (Approved Plans), no3 (Flood Risk), no4 (Foul and Surface Water), no5 (Construction Traffic Management Plan), no6 (Renewable Energy), no7 (Gas Monitoring) of planning approval 18/1568/FUL - Application for the erection of office/workshop to include service, maintenance, MOT and sales facility (Use Classes B1, B2, B8 and Sui Generis) with associated means of access, parking and landscaping (Demolition of existing buildings) ) and erection of a 2.2 metre high paladin fence.

Local Authority
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of a condition)
Approved (Approved with Conditions)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Demolition Construction Landscaping Office Fence