Surrey Heath Borough Council Planning Applications

Found 3 planning applications

22/1146/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Former Cheswycks School Guildford Road Frimley Green Camberley Surrey GU16 6PB

A non material amendment application pursuant to hybrid (part outline, part full) planning permission 19/2311/OOU (and NMA permission 20/0614/NMA and MMA permission 21/0720/PMR) [relating to the erection of 13 self build dwellings with serviced plots with associated car parking, landscaping and other associated works (outline including details of access, layout and landscaping to be determined) and full details application for the erection of a pavilion for a retained tennis court, following the removal of the remaining structures] to allow a variation to the Design Code (Condition 3) to amend the position of the build platform for Plot 12, the access and the position of the tree protection fencing for the plot, to amend the access location, alter and reposition of the build platform for Plot 12, which includes amending the tree protection fencing location.

Local Authority
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Trees Fence
22/0269/NMA | Non Material Amendment

Former Cheswycks School Guildford Road Frimley Green Camberley Surrey GU16 6PB

A non-material amendment application pursuant to hybrid (part outline, part full) planning permission 19/2311/OOU (and NMA permission 20/0614/NMA and MMA permission 21/0720/PMR) [relating to the erection of 13 self build dwellings with serviced plots with associated car parking, landscaping and other associated works (outline including details of access, layout and landscaping to be determined), and a full details application for the erection of a pavilion for a retained tennis court, following the removal of the remaining structures] to allow a variation to the Design Code (Condition 3) to amend the position of the build platform for Plot 13, the access and the position of the tree protection fencing for this plot

Local Authority
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Application for non-material amendments following planning permission (Non Material Amendment)
Approved (Grant)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Variation Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Trees Fence
20/0808/DTC | Details to comply

Land Adj. To 1 Whitmoor Road Bagshot Surrey GU19 5QE

Application for the approval of details pursuant to Conditions 6, 10 and 17 of permission 19/0611/PMR [relating to a minor material amendment pursuant to planning permission SU/17/0889 (relating to the erection of 16no. residential dwellings with associated car and cycle parking and landscaping with access from Whitmoor Road) to allow revisions to the site boundary (to remove a narrow portion of the flank boundary to 1 Whitmoor Road, and corresponding amendments to the layout including a reposition of plots 1 & 2, and access into Whitmoor Road), as well as a gap between the dwelling for plot 8 and the north east boundary] to agree, in part, amended fencing details (from acoustic to tongue and groove fencing) and landscaping details for the open space, verification for drainage system and details of window and ventilation openings.

Local Authority
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Other (Details to comply)
Approved (Grant)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Amendment Dwelling Landscaping Windows Residential Fence Boundary