Wellingborough Borough Council Planning Applications

Found 49 planning applications

NW/22/00827/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Area 11 Stanton Cross Waverley Drive Wellingborough

Reserved matters application for the erection of 87 dwellings for residential use along with garages, roads, sewers, landscaping, and all ancillary matters pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/15/00481/OUT for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale including discharge of conditions 2 (a) the siting, design and external appearance of buildings; (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; (c) landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; (d) layout and design of public open space; (e) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure the development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Discharge Boundary
NW/22/00826/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Area 11 Stanton Cross Waverley Drive Wellingborough

Reserved matters application for the erection of 8 dwellings for residential use along with garages, roads, sewers, landscaping, and all ancillary matters pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/15/00605/VAR for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale including discharge of conditions 2 (a) the siting, design and external appearance of buildings; (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; (c) landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; (d) layout and design of public open space; (e) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure the development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Erection Development Dwelling Landscaping Residential Discharge Boundary
NW/23/00003/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Site R9 Residential W North Niort Way Wellingborough

Approval of reserved matters in relation to access, scale, appearance, layout and landscaping for 252 dwellings including 50 affordable housing dwellings (19.8%) pursuant to variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4(a) layout, scale, appearance; 4(b) vehicle, cycle and foot; 4(c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4(d) layout and design of public open space; 4A(a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 4A(b) detailed survey of existing ground levels and finished floor levels; 4A(c) waste management strategy including arrangements for the provision of waste collection receptacles; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 12 (landscape management plan); 14 (noise mitigation); 15 (construction management plan); 16 (lighting strategy); 19 (foul water drainage); 23 (sustainability statement); 27 (highway and access phasing); 31 (nationally described space standards); 32 (national accessibility standards); 33 (water use limiting measures) (AMENDED PLANS AND DOCUMENTS)

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Construction Development Dwelling Landscaping Boundary
NW/22/00900/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Route 11 Part 3 Stanton Cross Wellingborough

Application for matters consent for appearance, layout, landscaping and scale in relation to the provision of infrastructure which relates to route 11 part 3 pursuant to condition 2 a) the siting, design and external appearance of buildings; b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; c) landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; d) layout and design of public open space; e) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure of variation to outline planning permission reference WP/15/00605/VAR.

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Landscaping Boundary
NW/22/00772/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Route 11 Part 2 Stanton Cross Wellingborough

Application for all reserved matters in relation to the provision of Route 11 Part 2 including pumping station pursuant to condition 2 of variation planning approval reference WP/15/00605/VAR

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
NW/22/00825/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Area 58 Stanton Cross Wellingborough Road Finedon

Reserved matters application for the construction of infrastructure highway, strategic open space, and all drainage and associated works pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/15/00605/VAR for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale including discharge of conditions 2 (a) the siting, design and external appearance of buildings;( b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; (c) landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; (d) layout and design of public open space; (e) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure the development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Construction Development Landscaping Discharge Boundary
NW/22/00588/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Area 27(b) (Station Island Parcels 5 & 6A) Stanton Cross Roundhouse Way Wellingborough

Reserved matters application for the siting, scale, landscaping, layout and appearance of 128 units together with associated open space and drainage infrastructure pursuant to planning permission ref: WP/15/00605/VAR.

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
NW/22/00751/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Off Niort Way Northants Llp Niort Way Wellingborough

Reserved matters application pursuant to variation to planning permission reference WP/16/00271/VAR, specifically conditions 4 (a) (the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping); 4 (b) vehicle, cycle and foot access routes and parking; 4 (c) hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments and details of street furniture and lighting; 4 (d) layout and design of public open space; 4 (A) (a) layout, design and specification of drainage infrastructure; 6 (accordance with the planning application development framework plan); 10 (structural landscape scheme); 11 (existing landscape features); 12 (Landscape Maintenance Plan); 13 (archaeological written scheme of investigation); 15 (Construction Management Plan); 20 (surface water drainage); to determine access and landscaping for the area known as Phase 1 Country Park (southern extent) and associated earthworks at Glenvale Park (Wellingborough North)

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Variation Construction Development Landscaping Boundary
NW/22/00589/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

Land Area 27(a) (Station Island Parcels 9 & 6B) Stanton Cross Roundhouse Way Wellingborough

Reserved matters application for the siting, scale, landscaping, layout and appearance of 89 (Private Rented Sector) units together with associated open space and drainage infrastructure pursuant to planning permission ref: WP/15/00605/VAR.

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
NW/22/00641/REM | Approval of Reserved Matters

190 Hinwick Road Wollaston Wellingborough NN29 7QY

Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline planning permission reference WP/20/00528/OUT for 2 two storey detached dwellings. AMENDED PLANS

Local Authority
Wellingborough Borough Council
Reserved matters (Approval of Reserved Matters)
Approved (Application Permitted)
Application Received
Application Validated
Dwelling Landscaping