Wolverhampton City Council Planning Applications

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Found 1 planning applications

21/00584/TR | Lop, Top or Fell Trees Subject to a TPO

5 Virginia Drive Wolverhampton West Midlands WV4 5PS

06/00616/TPO (G2 & T24) - Lime - Prune back to previous pruning points and remove secondary branch (identified by dashed red line on attached photo) growing toward adjacent tree in group (T1 in this application); Trees in Group across rear fence (T1 - T4 as viewed left to right form house) - T1 - Reduce exaggerated vertical growth stem to appropriate pruning point to bring is back into the general crown line, and Crown reduce the remaining tree to appropriate pruning points by a maximum of 1 metre of overall crown spread to rebalance; T2 - Either fell or crown reduce the radial spread by no more than 1 - 1.5 metres; T3 - Crown reduce radial branch spread by up to 1.5 - 2 metres and prune by removing secondary branches only to provide a 1.5 metre vertical clearance above the garage roof; T4 - Crown reduce radial branch spread by up to 1.5 - 2 metres and prune by removing secondary branches only to provide a 1.5 metre vertical clearance above the garage roof.

Local Authority
Wolverhampton City Council
Consent under Tree Preservation Orders (Lop, Top or Fell Trees Subject to a TPO)
(Fri 07 May 2021)
Application Received
Application Validated
Roof Trees Garage Fence House