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Found 12 planning applications

195157VAR | Variation of Condition

St Bernards Hospital Uxbridge Road Southall Middlesex UB1 3HW

Minor material amendment (S.73) to vary condition no.41 (use of the chapel)) pursuant to planning permission reference 164907VAR dated 31/05/2017 for 'Application for a Minor Material Amendment/S73 (Variation of condition 4 approved plans) amendments to the approved detailed landscape scheme of planning permission P/2012/5040 dated 23/07/2013 (amended by PP/2014/5010, PP/2014/4645, P/2014/6390, PP/2015/3928 and 161549VACS) for 'Hybrid planning application: Outline element, with all matters reserved, for the demolition of Windmill Lodge, five buildings containing flats and bowling green pavilion and the re siting of an electricity substation, in conjunction with the erection of three buildings of up to 9 storeys high containing 260 residential units comprising private and affordable units and up to 803sq. metres of floorspace in B1/D1 use and 67 sq. metres of floorspace in A1/A3/B2 use, associated hard and soft landscaping including the removal of trees, surface and basement car parking, cycle parking, servicing, public realm, access and other associated works including the provision of a pedestrian access to Uxbridge Road and alteration to vehicular access on to the hospital access road to the East. Detailed elements for a) the demolition of a single storey extension to the North side and a two storey extension in the south East corner and internal and external alterations in conjunction with the change of use of the listed gatehouse from offices to a retail unit (Use Class A1), cafe (Use Class A3), concierge accommodation (sui generis) and offices (Use Class B1) b) internal and external alterations in conjunction with the conversion of the listed North House in 6 one-bed flats, with external bin store and cycle store, associated hard and soft landscaping; access, 3 car parking spaces and associated works, c) Erection of a three storey building to provide 4 residential....' Variation to allow the Chapel to be used for a mix of Use Classes E and F.2 (b).

Local Authority
Ealing Council
Removal/variation of conditions (Variation of Condition)
(Draft Decision Waiting Legal Agreement)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Alteration Erection Demolition Variation Amendment Conversion Landscaping Residential Trees Flat Accommodation Office Shop House
20/0795/FUL | Full Application

24 And 24A Berry Way Mill End WD3 7EY

Variation of Conditions 2 (Plan numbers) and 5 (Boundary treatments) of application 20/0073/FUL (Joint application: Two-storey front extension, single-storey front infill extensions, relocation of entrance door to 24A to front elevation, insertion of storm porches over front entrance doors, single-storey rear infill extensions, two-storey rear extension including the formation of a crown roof to facilitate loft accommodation and the insertion of flank windows and rear rooflights and new vehicular access) to include single storey rear extensions and details of boundary treatments.

Local Authority
Three Rivers District Council
Full planning consent (Full Application)
Approved (approved)
Application Received
Application Validated
Extension Variation Roof Windows Trees Accommodation Boundary